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Title: Potensi fungi mikoriza arbuskula dan kompos aktif untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan semai mindi (Melia azedarach Linn) pada media tailing tambang emas
Other Titles: Prosiding Seminar Nasional
Silvikultur rehabilitasi lahan: Pengembangan strategi untuk mengendalikan tingginya laju degradasi hutan
Authors: Setiyaningsih, Luluk
Sri Wilarso Budi R.
Setiadi, Yadi
Keywords: Melia azedarach
A.M fungi
activated compost
Issue Date: 2009
Publisher: Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Yogyakarta
Abstract: Tailing is one o.f the most abundant wastes from gald mining process. Tltis materittl trsually has a concet of sonte heat'y 111s1q1 tuch as Pb, instfficient of some essential elements, and a lotv ccttion exchange capacity, r mater and microorganisrns. Activated compost and mycorrhizal fttngi application on tailing ntedia is expc improve quality of the tailing as plant ntedia in order to improve plant gtowth. The objective of this research was to determine the effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi and at compost on Meha azedarach seedlings grown on tailing media without sterilisation. A three factors ct randomised experimental design was conducted Lrnder green house conditions and DMR Test was used to ana, e/fect the treatnrcnts. Percent of AM colonization, spore number, plant grov,lh, and nutrient uptake were mt in this experiment. Applicalion of activotecl compost on tailing media increased colonization of NPI /26 (Glomus etunicatr to 8 times. Thi,s h'eatment also increa,sed spore number and improved colonization of natural AMfungi. A weeks, lhe tailing treated with qctivated compost significantly increased growth of M. azedarach seedlinS limes of heigltt, 6 times of diameter and 39 limes of dry weight as compared to tailing without activated cr. Application oJ A,Iycc1/br (contains 4 AM.fungi species: Glornus manihotis INDO-1, Glomus etunicatum M Gigaspora margarita, Acaulospora tuberculata INDO-2) and NPI 126 (Glomus etunicatum) on tailing with ac cotllpost significantllt incrcased seedling lrcight 19%, bil it didnl increase the diameter and dry v,eight. Ac conxpost on tailing tended to enhance concentration of heavy metal Pb 0.5 - 22% and Pb uptake almost 23 ti plant tisstte. Inoculation using NPI 126 increased Pb concentration on plant tissue (by 8%) with maximum Pb 8.5 mg/plant. In tailing ntedia, M. azedarach was not the metal accumtilator plant, reflected by the low (0.05 transport factor of Pb.
ISBN: 979-992437 -5
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Forestry

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