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Title: Sistem Pemasaran dan Nilai Tambah Produk Olahan Ubi Jalar (Ipomoea batatas, L.) di Desa Cikarawang dan Desa Petir, Kecamatan Dramaga, Kabupaten Bogor
Authors: Nurmalina, Rita
Keywords: Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
market structure
marketing channel
marketing margin
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: Sweet potato is a source of carbohydrat and protein, relatively inexpensive for consumption. The farmers had high dependency to the middleman, the lack of market access and price information in farmer’s level lead the bargaining position of the farmers low, and the activity of sweet potatoes processing. Therefore, the research is conducted to determine the marketing systems and value-added of processed sweet potato product. The objective of this research is to analyze the agency and functions of marketing, marketing channel, market structure and market behavior; to analyze marketing margin, farmer’s share, and the ratio of benefits to costs; to calculate value-added of dumpling, flour, and cracker. Data collection was held by observation and interviews to the farmers and entrepreneurs of processed sweet potato products in the Cikarawang village and Petir village by purposive sampling method, whereas for the marketing agency data collection was held by following the flow of information from the previous marketing agency and purposive sampling. The results are shown that the third channel was relatively efficient to distribute grade A and B sweet potato, while the first channel was relatively efficient to distribute grade C sweet potato. The results of value added analysis of processed sweet potato products have shown that the value added ratio and profit level of dumpling was the highest than other processed sweet potato products.
Appears in Collections:UT - Agribusiness

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