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Title: Analisis Daya Saing Industri Tekstil dan Produk Tekstil (TPT) Provinsi Jawa Barat Tahun 1981-2010
Authors: Asmara, Alla
Rosalina, Almira
Keywords: Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
West Java
Textile and Textile Product Industry
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: Textile industry and textile product (TPT) in West Java Province is the central of Indonesian TPT industry which has a great potential, but in fact the industry's export production was fluctuating and sometimes had a substantial reduction caused by the high global competition and public interest of imported textile products, it indicates the competitiveness of most businesses in the Indonesian TPT industry particularly in West Java Province is still relatively low, so it has not able to keep the competitiveness of the textile industry from foreign countries. This research is aimed to analyze the competitive and comparative advantages of TPT industry and analyze factors that affect the competitiveness in West Java. The results showed that the level of competitiveness of TPT industry in West Java is still relatively high, but there should be protection from the government through policies to increase the competitiveness of this industry, and the factors that are affecting productivity, exchange rate, positive and significant effect, while the negative effect of inflation rate significantly to the competitiveness of TPT industry in West Java
Appears in Collections:UT - Economics and Development Studies

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