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Title: Analisis Situasi Ketahanan Pangan dan Gizi Kota Tangerang Periode Tahun 2008-2011
Authors: Martianto, Drajat
Baliwati, Yayuk Farida
Kristiani, Anggrisya
Keywords: Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
food security and nutrition status
food consumption
food distribution
Food availability
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: The study is aimed to analyze food and nutrition security of Tangerang City consisted of food supply, distribution, consumption, and nutritional status during the period of 2008-2011.In common, Tangerang City food supply equal to energy in the period of 2008-2011 was fulfill the WNPG recommended dietary allowance, however its decrease in the latest year. Despite of no food storage held by the local government of Tangerang City yet, BULOG Sub Divre Tangerang manage government rice stock that can be used by local government whenever needed to be released in the market during rice shortage. In general food distribution in Tangerang city is stable as indicated by low coefficient of variance of desicable food price. Quality of food consumption is remained a serious problem since the dietary pattern score (PPH score) in 2011 was only 77.3 and energy adequacy level 97.70%. Local government survey found that 33.3 % of selected food marketed were not comply the regulation regarding uses of hazardous subtances added to food such as borax, formalin and textile colorant. Under nutrition prevalence reach 12.6% which was lower than MDG’s target of 18.5% in 2015, but in some villages under nutrition are still prevalent an the prevalence was higher than MDG’s target
Appears in Collections:UT - Nutrition Science

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