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Title: Analisis Kelayakan Usaha Pemotongan Ayam di Kabupaten Bogor
Authors: Hubeis, Musa
Magistasari, Rizkian
Keywords: Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
sensitivity analysis
poultry abattoir
business feasibility study
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: Poultry abattoir business is a business which process the broiler chicken into carcass that already consume. The purposes of this research are to analyze the feasibilities of poultry abattoir businesses in Bogor regency which seen by the financial nan non financial aspects and to analyze the sensitivity of the poultry abattoir business. According to the result two businesses are feasible seen by the financial and non financial aspects. The result of investment criteria analysis there were NPV Rp2.982.613.986,72, IRR 17,26%, Net B/C 3,91, BEP Rp1.129.977.665,88 and PBP 4,86 years for RPA “X”; NPV Rp4.754.368.352,26, IRR 50,76%, Net B/C 5,93, BEP Rp587.731.999,188 and PBP 2,08 years for RPA “Y”; and NPV -Rp127.121.556,02, IRR 1,84%, Net B/C 1,13, BEP Rp370.226.915,737 and PBP 7,98 years for RPA”Z”. The result of sensitivity analysis for 1st scenario shows that these three businesses are still feasible until the raise of basic material price reach 5% for RPA “X” and 11% for RPA “Y”. In the 2nd scenario these businesses are still feasible until the reduction of price reach 6% for RPA “X” and 8% for RPA “Y”.
Usaha pemotongan Ayam merupakan usaha untuk mengolah lebih lanjut ayam broiler menjadi produk karkas siap olah yang selanjutnya siap dipasarkan kepada konsumen. Tujuan penelitian ini menganalisis kelayakan usaha pemotongan ayam yang berada di wilayah Kabupaten Bogor dan juga menganalisis sensitivitasnya. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dua (2) usaha pemotongan ayam layak secara finansial maupun non finansial. Hasil dari analisis kriteria investasi didapatkan Net Present Value (NPV) Rp2.982.613.986,72, Internal rate of return (IRR) 17,26%, Net Benefit/Cost (Net B/C) 3,91, Break event point (BEP) Rp1.129.977.665,88 dan Payback period (PBP) 4,86 tahun untuk RPA “X”; NPV Rp4.754.368.352,26, IRR 50,76% dan Net B/C 5,93, BEP Rp587.731.999,188 dan PBP 2,08 tahun untuk RPA “Y”; dan NPV -Rp127.121.556,02, IRR 1,84%, Net B/C 1,13, BEP Rp370.226.915,737 dan PBP 7,98 tahun untuk RPA”Z”. Hasil analisis sensitivitas pada skenario 1 menunjukkan usaha ini tetap layak hingga kenaikan harga bahan baku sebesar 5% untuk RPA “X” dan 11% untuk RPA “Y”. Pada skenario 2 menunjukkan ketiga usaha ini tetap layak hingga penurunan harga daging ayam sebesar 6% untuk RPA “X” dan 8% untuk RPA “Y”
Appears in Collections:UT - Management

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