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Title: Pendapatan Usaha Penggemukan Domba Jantan (Kasus: Kemitraan Mitra Tani Farm dengan Peternak di Desa Bojong Jengkol, Ciampea, Bogor)
Authors: Harianto
Yunus, Muhamad
Keywords: Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
male sheep feedlot business
income analysis
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: Bojong Jengkol Village is one of the areas in Ciampea District, Bogor Regency that the resident has a lot of male sheep feedlot business. However, to develop its business, the farmers have problems such as capital, management, and marketing. This problem can be solved by having partnership with Mitra Tani Farm. On the other side, not all of the farmers in the village have partnership with Mitra Tani Farm. The purpose of this study is to assess the implementation of the partnership and identify the farming performance with descriptive analysis, also to analyze the male sheep feedlot income and R/C ratio between farmers who have partnership with Mitra Tani Farm and those who do not. The results of the calculation shows that the highest income to cash cost per SDD per period and value of R/C ratio are obtained by farmers who do not have partnership with Scale III. On the other hand, the calculation of income to total cost per SDD per period is negative and the value of R/C ratio is less than one for all scales, which means the feedlot business is disadvantaging. However, by comparison, farmers who are partnered in scale I is better than other scales because they have the least loss among the others and the highest value of R/C ratio.
Desa Bojong Jengkol merupakan salah satu wilayah di Kecamatan Ciampea, Kabupaten Bogor dimana penduduknya banyak mengusahakan penggemukan domba jantan. Namun untuk mengembangkan usahanya, para peternak memiliki permasalahan seperti permodalan, manajemen, dan pemasaran. Salah satu solusi untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut yaitu melalui kemitraan dengan Mitra Tani Farm. Namun tidak semua peternak domba melakukan kemitraan dengan Mitra Tani Farm. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengkaji pelaksanaan kemitraan dan mengidentifikasi keragaan usaha ternak menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Selain itu untuk menganalisis pendapatan dan nilai R/C rasio usaha penggemukan domba jantan antara peternak mitra dengan peternak nonmitra. Hasil perhitungan pendapatan atas biaya tunai per SDD per periode dan nilai R/C rasio yang paling besar diperoleh peternak nonmitra Skala III. Sementara itu perhitungan pendapatan atas biaya total per SDD per periode menghasilkan nilai negatif dan nilai R/C rasio kurang dari satu untuk semua skala sehingga usaha ternak domba merugikan. Namun jika dibandingkan maka usaha pada peternak mitra Skala I yang lebih baik dibandingkan skala lainnya karena kerugian yang diperoleh paling kecil dan nilai R/C rasio nya yang paling besar.
Appears in Collections:UT - Agribusiness

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