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Title: The Relationship between Communication Behavior and Farmers Understanding of The Community Radio’s Functions (Case: Trisna Alami Community Radio Kaliagung Village, District Sentolo, Kulon Progo Regency, Province D.I Yogyakarta).
Hubungan Perilaku Komunikasi dengan Pemahaman Petani terhadap Fungsi Radio Komunitas (Kasus Radio Komunitas Petani Trisna Alami Desa Kaliagung, Kecamatan Sentolo, Kabupaten Kulon Progo, Provinsi D.I Yogyakarta).
Authors: Hadiyanto
Nurmayanti, Anies Wahyu
Keywords: community radio
communication behavior
functions of community radio
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: Community radio plays role as advocate of social change at the community level. “Trisna Alami” community radio was one kind of radio-based or sector-specific issues, that was built by a community from the same interests about agricultural issues. Typology of Trisna Alami community radio listeners consist of the selective and a passive listener. Trisna Alami community radio broadcasted agricultural information and entertainment. The functions of community radio are not only as an entertainer and educators, but also as community empowerment. Communication behavior in this research were: interpersonal channels exposure, cosmopoliteness, contact with extension agent, the other mass media exposure, and community radio exposure. The purposes of this research were to investigate and analyze the relationship between communication behaviors and farmers understanding of the community radio’s function. The research was designed by explanatory type. The sample in this research has done by simple random sampling. The total respondents were 40 persons. Respondents was chosen by judgement sampling. Techniques of data collection were using questionnaires, interviews, and observation. The result of this research showed that community radio’s exposure consist of frequency and duration of Trisna Alami Community Radio listened connected with farmer’s understanding the functions of community radio such as: an internal communication, public education and religious facilities, and also public sphere. The indicators of communication behaviors were not all connected with the third function of community radio.
Appears in Collections:UT - Communication and Community Development

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