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dc.contributor.advisorIndrasti, Nastiti Siswi
dc.contributor.authorLovely, Belladini
dc.description.abstractSolid waste handling management is one of necessary aspects in order to execute integration of EMS (Environmental Management System) in tire industry. This research aimed to sketch Temporary Collecting Area (TCA) model design of tire scrap (economical solid waste), shelter where scrap are all gathered and accommodated before it is carried out and resold. Besides, there was also described about scrap managing manual, in scope of production plant, as scrap’s resource, up to TCA. Method used to find out area width needed of each scraps before sketching was “measuring volume by mass”. Matrix of scrap’s resources and Jobdesk Manual (JM) sheet was objected to be used as references of scraps handling for production plant operator. If the management set composed might be implemented well, it would able to pass standard requirements of Environmental Audit in ISO 14001 sertificationen
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectISO 14001en
dc.subjectenvironmental auditen
dc.subjectenvironmental managementen
dc.subjectsolid wasteen
dc.titleDesain dan Manajemen Tempat Penampungan Sementara Scrap Ban di PT Xen
Appears in Collections:UT - Agroindustrial Technology

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