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Title: Variabilitas Suhu Permukaan Laut Kaitannya dengan Daerah Penangkapan Ikan Pelagis Kecil di Perairan Teluk Lampung
Authors: Simbolon, Domu
Wiyono, Eko Sri
Keywords: Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: The information about potential fishing grounds are very important for fishing effectivity. Fishing ground was influence by oceanography factors such as sea surface temperature (SST). The measurement of sea surface temperature by satellite and Auxis thazard catch, Rastrelliger sp. catch and anchovy catch can be used to estimate the potential fishing grounds. The distribution of sea surface temperature in Lampung Bay in July 2012 at the nighttime was about 27.99-30.16 0C (s2=0.4), while at the daytime was about 27.99-30.16 ⁰C (s2=0.3). The catches landed in PPI Lempasing consisted of 40 species and most of them was Auxis thazard (41%), followed by Rastrelliger sp. (12.2%) and anchovy (22.9%). Most of caught Auxis thazard was about 21.0-27.0 cm (32.10%), Rastrelliger sp. was about 16.8-20.1 cm (57.5%). The colleration of SST and the catch was not significant. The potential fishing grounds for Auxis thazard in July 2012 were around Condong, Kelagian, Legundi, Puhawang, Tanjung Putus and Tegal Islands, for Rastrelliger sp. was around Kelagian Island, and for anchovy was around Condong and Kelagian Island
Informasi mengenai daerah penangkapan ikan potensial sangat penting dalam kesuksesan operasi penangkapan ikan. Daerah penan gkapan ikan dipengaruhi oleh faktor oseanografi salah satunya suhu permukaan laut (SPL). Suhu permukaan laut di Teluk Lampung hasil pengukuran satelit dan hasil tangkapan tongkol, kembung dan teri di PPI Lempasing digunakan untuk menduga daerah penangkapan potensial. Sebaran SPL di perairan Teluk Lampung pada bulan Juli 2012 malam hari berkisaran 27.22- 28.91⁰C (s2 =0.4), sedangkan siang hari berkisaran 27.99-30.16⁰C (s2 =0.3). Hasil tangkapan yang didaratkan di PPI Lempasing cukup beragam yang didominasi oleh ikan tongkol (41%), teri (22.9%) dan kembung (12.2%). Ikan tongkol dominan tertangkap pada ukuran 21.0 -27.0 cm (32.10%), kembung 16.8- 20.1 cm (57.5%). Suhu permukaan laut dengan hasil tangkapan tidak menunjukkan hubungan yang signifikan. Daerah penangkapan potensial pada bulan Juli 2012 untuk ikan tongkol terdapat di perairan Condong, Kelagian, Legundi, Puhawang, Tanjung Putus dan Tegal, untuk ikan kembung terdapat di Kelagian dan ikan teri terdapat di sekitar pulau Condong dan Kelagian.
Appears in Collections:UT - Fisheries Resource Utilization

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