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Title: Aktivitas ekstrak kulit kayu suren (Toona sinensis Merr.) sebagai antioksidan dan antidiabetes secara in vitro
Activities of suren (Toona sinensis Merr.) bark extracts as antioxidant and antidiabetic with in vitro analysis.
Authors: Falah, Syamsul
Nurcholis, Waras
Ichsan, Sitha Arilah
Keywords: antioxidant
suren (Toona sinensis Merr.) DPPH
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: Tanaman suren (Toona sinensis Merr.) merupakan tanaman herbal yang daunnya dilaporkan memiliki aktivitas antioksidan dan antidiabetes. Kulit kayu tanaman suren diduga memiliki aktivitas yang sama dengan daunnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan aktivitas antioksidan dan antidiabetes ekstrak etanol 70% dan ekstrak air kulit kayu suren secara in vitro. Aktivitas antioksidan diamati menggunakan parameter uji biokimia, yaitu aktivitas inhibisi radikal bebas DPPH pada konsentrasi sampel 50, 30, 10, dan 5 ppm. Potensi antidiabetes diukur melalui aktivitas penghambatan kerja enzim -glukosidase pada konsentrasi sampel 12.5, 6.3, 3.1, dan 1.6 ppm. Kadar air kulit kayu suren yang diuji adalah 9.04%. Ekstraksi dengan pelarut etanol 70 % dan air menghasilkan rendemen sebesar 4.8% dan 2.6%. Hasil uji fitokimia menunjukkan kandungan senyawa alkaloid, saponin, tanin, flavonoid, dan hidroquinon pada ekstrak etanol 70%. Sementara ekstrak air kulit kayu suren menunjukkan adanya kandungan senyawa saponin, flavonoid, dan hidroquinon. Hasil analisis aktivitas antioksidan ekstrak etanol 70% dan air ditunjukkan dengan nilai IC50 secara berturut-turut yaitu 11.86 dan 17.78 ppm. Sementara nilai IC50 vitamin C yang digunakan sebagai pembanding sebesar 3.31 ppm. Penghambatan enzim -glukosidase memiliki nilai IC50 sebesar 0.66 ppm untuk ekstrak etanol 70% dan 3.32 ppm pada ekstrak air, sedangkan nilai IC50 acarbose sebagai pembanding adalah sebesar 0.08 ppm. Hasil pengujian tersebut menunjukkan kulit kayu suren memiliki aktivitas antioksidan dan berpotensi sebagai antidiabetes. Kata kunci: antioksidan, antidiabetes, suren (Toona sinensis Merr.), DPPH, a-glukosidase
Suren (Toona sinensis Merr.) is a herbal plant that its leaves has been reported have a antioxidant and antidiabetic activity. The bark of suren thought to have antioxidant and antidiabetic activity as it leaves. This study was conducted to investigate antioxidants and antidiabetic activity of ethanol 70% and water extracts of suren bark using in vitro method. The antioxidant activity was observed using the parameters of biochemical tests, through measurement of the inhibitory activity to DPPH as free radical with concentration of samples 50, 30, 10, and 5 ppm. The potential antidiabetic activity was measured through inhibition of -glucosidase enzymes work at a sample concentration of 12.5, 6.3, 3.1, and 1.6 ppm. The moisture content of suren bark samples in the test is 9.04%. Suren bark extracted with a solvent ethanol 70% and water has a yield of 4.8% and 2.6%. Phytochemical test of ethanol 70% extract showed the present of alkaloids, saponins, tannins, flavonoids, and hydroquinone. While the water extract indicate a content of saponin compounds, flavonoids, and hydroquinone. The results of the analysis of antioxidant activity indicated by IC50 value which is 11.86 ppm for ethanol 70% extracts and 17.78 ppm for water extract. While the IC50 value of vitamin C used as a comparison is 3.31 ppm. Inhibition of - glucosidase enzyme are also shown in the IC50 value which is 0.66 ppm for ethanol 70% extract and 3.32 ppm for water extracts, whereas acarbose as a comparison have IC50 value of 0.08 ppm. These results showed that suren bark have an antioxidant and antidiabetic activity. Key words: antioxidant, antidiabetic, suren (Toona sinensis Merr.) DPPH, a- glucosidase
Appears in Collections:UT - Biochemistry

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