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Title: Kajian Gejala Chilling Injury Terhadap Perubahan Mutu Buah Mangga Varietas Gedong Gincu Selama Penyimpanan Dingin
Authors: Purwanto, Y. Aris
Badriyah, Henry Okvitasari
Keywords: chilling injury
cold storage
low temperature
quality change
ion leakage
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: Low temperature storage is a common method to extend the self life and to maintain the quality of mango. However, low temperature storage may cause mango experience the chilling injury. Study on the chilling injury symptoms of mango stored under low temperature storage will be very important in order to understand better mathod to reduction of chilling injury. The objective of this study was to examine the chilling injury symptopms of mango fruits stored at 8, 13 °C and room temperature. Chilling injury symptoms was determined from the ion leagake which measured from the changes in the value of electric conductivity with time. The quality of mango during storage were evaluated from the changes in weight loss, respiration rate, colour, firmness, total soluble solid as well as organoleptic test. The result showed that mango fruits experienced chilling injury at days 4 at storage condition of 8°C. The chilling injury symptoms at days 4 was showed by the highest value of slope from graphic of total percentage of electric conductivity value with time. This phenomenon of chilling injury symptoms at 8°C was also indicated by quality parameter i.e respiration rate, weight loss, total soluble solid, change in colour, firmness and organoleptic test.
Appears in Collections:UT - Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering

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