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Title: Pemetaan Provinsi di Indonesia Berdasarkan Produk Domestik Regional Bruto Menggunakan Analisis Biplot
Authors: Nugrahani, Endar H.
Budiarti, Retno
Erawati, Mega
Keywords: Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
biplot analysis.
provincial mapping
gross regional domestic product
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: Government has a responsibility for maintaining welfare development of its people. One of the indicators that can be used to measure human development is the human development index (HDI). This index was created based on three dimensions, i.e. dimension of life expectancy, knowledge and standard of decent living. This paper provides an overview of mapping the provinces based on independent sectors of business field. The provincial mapping is done using biplot analysis. Biplot analysis presents a low-dimensional graphical display, which describes relationship between high-dimensional variables and objects. Provincial mapping can be used to obtain an overview of development between provinces. The result of biplot analysis is able to explain 85.22% information contained in the data, which is called its goodness of fit. Based on the biplot visualization, five groups of provinces are obtained. In the first group, Jakarta has a value above average on the financial sector. On the second and third groups, the agricultural sector contributes significantly to gross regional domestic product. Meanwhile, in the fourth group, Riau and East Kalimantan are the biggest contributor to the trade sector. Finally, in the fifth group, all of the provinces have gross regional domestic product value below the average in all sectors.
Appears in Collections:UT - Mathematics

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