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Title: Aktivitas Antioksidan dan Kandungan Kimiawi Ekstrak Benalu Jeruk (Dendrphthoe glabrescens)
Authors: Bintang, Maria
Nurcholish, Waras
Vardheo, Deru
Keywords: Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: Orange mistletoe (Dendrophthoe glabrescens) is one of theplantsof thefamilyLoranthaceae. Orange mistletoeattachesto liveas parasitesoncitrusplants. Empirically,orange mistletoeis considered to haveantioxidant activity. This study aimstotest theantioxidantactivity, determine thechemical content, anddetermine thebestsolventforextraction oforange mistletoe. The antioxidant activitywas measuredusing abiochemicaltest parameters, namelyDPPHfree radicalinhibitory activity. Extractionwith96% ethanol, 70% ethanol, 30% ethanol, andwater resulted inyieldof66.2%, 47.2%, 31.5%, dan 44.0%.Phytochemicaltest resultsshowedthatwaterandethanolextracts of30% contains alkaloidsandflavonoids, 70% ethanolextractcontains alkaloids, flavonoids, andtannins, and96% ethanol extractcontains alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, tannins, andsteroids. The analysisshowedthat theantioxidantactivity ofethanolextracts of30%, 70% ethanol, andethanol96% havea veryactiveantioxidantactivity. IC50valuesof 30%, 70%, and96% ethanolextracts is16.94ppm, 11.81ppmand9.64ppm respectively, whilethe waterextracthasa veryweakantioxidantactivitywithIC50valueof456.21ppm.
Appears in Collections:UT - Biochemistry

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