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Title: Role Competence toward Performance of Indonesian Center for Agricultural Library and Technology Dissemination Library Center and Agricultural Technology Disemination (PUSTAKA) Employees, Bogor
Peran Penerapan Kompetensi Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Di Pusat Perpustakaan Dan Penyebaran Teknologi Pertanian (PUSTAKA), Bogor.
Authors: Ma’arif, M Syamsul
Sukmawati, Anggraini
Narundana, Vonny Tiara
Keywords: competency
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: Skills and knowledge owned by an employee to finish his or her job is one of the factors that can determine the quality and quantity of the job. Competency standart can help the company to know the quality of its employees so that the job given can be finished faster and better. Competency standart is a formula of competency needed to carry out job or task concerning the criteria of the job determined by industry or relevant profession association as well as other competent institutions. A good competency will lead to an effective performance. The lack of skills can be overcomed by employee development, whereas motivation can be created by suitable working environment itself. Organization must provide supporting leadership and incentive arranged well in order to give motivating environment. The element of human resources and governmental system which is flexible to the environment of change becomes more determining in the success of reaching the expected goal. Competency is an important factor for performing, however, only competency has not complied with the effective performance building. Performance is influenced by organization surrounding which involves the process and system. This research was done at Indonesian Center for Agricultural Library and Technology Dissemination Library Center and Agricultural Technology Disemination (PUSTAKA) Employees, Bogor. In this research, the subject was all employees of PUSTAKA office, Bogor. The technique of samples used was using sensus so that the sample in this research was the whole population - 88 employees. Data analysis in this research used SEM method (Structural Equation Model) by using PLS program. From the analysis result of two structural research models, it could be concluded that competency influenced the performance positively and significantly. In this research, the policy aslo played a role as moderator variable. The result showed that the policy mordernized the competency and performance. It meant that the higher the competency and high policy, the better the performance would be and vise versa. However, the higher the competency and low policy, the lower the performance would be. The treatment of moderator variable also showed that in path coeficien with negative score, it was shown that the higher the policy, the more decrease the competency which influenced the performance.
Appears in Collections:MT - Economic and Management

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