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Title: Faktor-faktor yang berkaitan dengan asupan energi dan zat gizi pasien kanker di Rumah Sakit Kanker Dharmais Jakarta
Authors: Kustiyah, Lilik
Hariani, Ririn
Hairi, Saumi Lil
Keywords: Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: WHO (2003) reported that more than 10 million people suffering from cancer which rate of development was about 20% annually. In Indonesia, prevalence of cancer was 4.3 out of 1000 and it’s predicted that 12 million people are suffering from cancer each year (Riskesdas 2008). Shike (1996) stated that the result of cancer treatment (operation, chemotherapy, and/or radiation) was malnourished which about more than 40% patients of cancer. The objectiveof this studywas toanalyze factorsassociated withenergy and nutrients intake of cancer patients at Cancer Hospital of DharmaisJakarta. The study was conductedusinga cross-sectional design.The number of samplesin this studywere 63who were hospitalizedat least threedays and can consump which were served by hospital .Based on thesurvey showed that the most prevalent of cancer was breast cancer(19%) and there are 19 kind of tumors and cancers. More than half(60%) of samples had anormal nutritional status, 41% ofsamplescome tohospitalaims tocarry outthe chemotherapy, and 56% of samples were hospitalize during5-10 days. The averageadequacy level ofenergy andprotein were 50.1% and 44.9%, respectively.Furthermore, the adequacy level ofvitamin A, C, and E were 19.3%, 82%, and 8.2%, respectively. Based onlinearregressionanalysis showed thatperiod of hospitalizationand medication/treatment significantly influenced theenergy and protein intake by21.6% and 21.7%, respectively.
Appears in Collections:UT - Nutrition Science

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