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dc.contributor.advisorSiregar, Edward H.
dc.contributor.authorMetallita, Dewi Amanda
dc.description.abstractThe Cost of Goods Production calculation for home industries is really important to avoid lost profit and needed to monitor the actual of production cost. Furthermore, CV. Miranti is a maturate company who improve their market, so they need to concern about their product’s price and they need to improve the cost of goods production calculation method. The whole expenses will be charged to customer when the goods are ready to sold, therefor the points of this matter are how CV. Miranti calculate their cost of goods production, how to calculate the cost of goods production by full costing method and variable costing method, and how is the result of calculation comparartion between CV. Miranti method, full costing method, and variable costing method. Regarding of those matters, the goals of this research are to identify the cost of goods production calculation by CV. Miranti method, full costing method and variable costing method, and compared of those three mathods to decide which the exact method to be applied. CV. Miranti was received an order to produce 500 sheets of leaflets on May 2012. The cost of good production by CV. Miranti calculation method was Rp 894.361,- or Rp 1.789,- per sheet, whereas it calculated was Rp 988.443,- or Rp 1.977,- per sheet by varibale costing method and it was Rp 749.336,- or Rp 1.499,- per sheet by full costing calculaion method. There was difference between CV. Miranti method, variable costing method, and full costing method. The most expensive cost identified by full costing calculation method, this caused it calculated of all actual expense of the manufacturing process. It adviced to apply full costing method because the final cost was already calculate whole actual expense and the price was proper to be compete with others.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.titleAnalisis perhitungan harga pokok produksi industri usaha kecil dan menengah produk percetakan pada CV. Miranti, Bogoren
Appears in Collections:UT - Management

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