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Title: Kajian biologis, tingkah laku, reproduksi, dan kekerabatan burung weris, gallirallus philippensis (Gruiformes: Rallidae) di Minahasa Sulawesi Utara
Biological, behavior reproduction, and genetic relationshipof weris bird gallirallus philippensis (Gruiformes: Rallidae) at Minahasa, North Celebes
Authors: Noor, Ronny Rachman
Manalu, Wasmen
Solihin, Dedy Duryadi
Lambey, Lucia Johana
Keywords: Weris bird
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: Meat of weris has potential as a source of protein, and the Minahasa community eats the meat as a traditional food. The population of weris bird has decreased drastically mainly due to uncontrolled hunting. The purpose of this research was to study the variations of phenotypic, genetic, and biological aspects of weris behavior raised under captivity. The research was conducted in May 2011 until August 2012. Research activities included DNA sampling, morphological characteristics, and biological studies. Molecular analysis was conducted at the Laboratory of Molecular Biology and Centre of Biological Sciences Study and Center of Biotechnology, Bogor Agricultural University. The results showed that weris from four locations in Minahasa had a high level of morphological similarity. Weris from four locations: Papontolen, Ranoyapo, Tondano, and Wusa had genetic variations with different haplotipes, thereby forming multiple branching, but still one group. Gallirallus philippensis in Minahasa and Australia had no relationship. Based on morphometric measurements, weris males were larger than females on body weight, beak length, and beak width. Changes in morphological characters, especially discoloration on the head and wings pins hair growth during growth and development, could be used as the basis of age estimation. Weris nest was a single nest with open type, clutch size 1-8 items and have the spawning season. Incubation period was 19 days, fertility was 64.13%, and hatchability was 45.76%. The carcass percentage was 65.85%, so it had potential to be utilizedas meat producer. Based on the chemical composition of the meat, weris had a good meat quality. Hatching behavior of weris was unique, and very different from the other birds.Weris have six stages of hatching, that was begun with the break down of the egg until the chick movement out of the gas shell. Weris was a diurnal bird with activity started in the morning until the afternoon. Weris chick performed different activities from the adults Weris. The highest activity of adult weris was moving, but the weris chicks mainly resting. The weris inherited behavior of bathing, and this behavior did not change even if the environment changed.
Appears in Collections:DT - Animal Science

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BAB III Karakteristik Genetik Burung Weris (Gallirallus.pdf
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