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Title: Bioprospeksi hutan kerangas: analisis Nepenthes gracilis Korth. sebagai stimulus konservasi
Bioprospecting of kerangas forest: analysis of Nepenthes gracilis Korth. as conservation stimuli
Authors: Zuhud, Ervizal A. M.
Darusman, Latifah Kosim
Siregar, Iskandar Z.
Keywords: conservation
kerangas forest
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: The heath forest or locally known as kerangas forest is a forest type that grows in site with limiting site factors, epecially the extremely unfavourable soil type for plants. There is an urgent call to conserve the kerangas forest due to it’s vulnerability and sound strategy needs to be well designed by utilizing its values and various functions and importances. Maintenance of functional biodiversity of kerangas forests and its sustainable utilization through biodiversity prospecting (bioprospecting) approach are two key factors that could be considered in the conservation efforts of kerangas forest. With this regard, Nepenthes gracilis as indicator species is well known for its uses such as ornamental plants, medicinal plants and could be used to stimulate the conservation actions. Therefore, a comprehensive research utilizing N.gracilis as conservation stimuli was conducted with objectives to : i) gain data and information on bio-prospecting N.gracilis and kerangas forest, ii) determine the potentials uses of N.gracilis and kerangas forest, iii) identify the enviromental settings of kerangas forest and N.gracilis d iv) determine the spatial genetic variation of N.gracilis, v) to determine the bio-active compounds of N.gracilis, and vi) identify the conservation attitude of community toward N.gracilis. Research methods used a combination of ecological and socio-economic surveys followoing standard procedures and laboratory works for genetic analysis,phytocehmistry analysis, and bioactivity analysis. In general, kerangas forests in the research sites are degraded under unmanaged condition. Therefore, composition and structure of the forests were significantly different in comparison to the reference forest sites. In particular, N.gracilis is found in open sites with following characteristics such as pH= ± 4,12, peat thickness= ± 5,6 cm, light intensity above ground= 270-300 lux, and the roots usually covered by seedling and sapling. Ecosystem services of kerangas forest were described by the following benefecial function, such as buffer area for water and buffering extreme weather impact, carbon sink and source, preference habitat for biological components above and below ground, sources of woods, food and medicinal plant. Functional of N.gracilis in relation to environment could be explained by capacity of plant to overcame limited water and nutrient (functional for physic-chemical environment). Existing symbiosis of x N.gracilis and other organisms reflected N.gracilis benefecial for bio-ecological environment of kerangas forest. Utilizing of N.gracilis as a medicine was also benefecial with respects to socio-economical dynamics of human dimension.It was found that plant diversity of kerangas were as sources for medicinal plants. 92,31% of kerangas plants (35 species from 39 species founded) were utilized as raw material for medicies for communities living around kerangas forest area. Genetic diversity of N.gracilis inside population and inter population are relatively high (He=0,25), indicating N.gracilis reproduction strategies. Many part of N.gracilis can be used for medicinal material based on information of phytochemistry and toxicities tests. The methanol extract of N.gracilis roots had highest toxicities (LC 50=151.53 ppm) than other parts of plant. The methanol extract from roots, stems, leaves, pockets and closed pocket liquid of N.gracilis effectively inhibited S.aures at concentration 62,5 ppm, 125 ppm, 125 ppm, 2000 ppm, 3000 ppm, respectively; while E.coli were inhibited at concentration 15.6 ppm,125 ppm, >2000 ppm, 1000 ppm, 6000 ppm, respectively. The methanol extract of N.gracilis roots inhibited 50% of α glukosidase activity at concentration 0.0826 ppm. It can be concludde that N.gracilis had potential activities as antibacterial and antidiabetic. Description of the existence, ecological characteristic, beneficial using from N.gracilis in kerangas forest can be used as important basic data for determining N.gracilis as important species in kerangas forest. Ecological characteristics and beneficial values of N.gracilis should become signals which performed the natural and beneficial stimuli, while the signals of bio-ecological and beneficial value of kerangas forest and N.gracilis could not become the strong stimuli (natural and beneficial stimuli) to performed willingness and take conservation action. The findings of the reserach imply that the existence of kerangas forest and N.gracilis should become “ a Living Laboratory” or “ a Natural Laboratory” for human in order to observe the better undestanding of natural mechanisms in the ecosystem towards adaptation to extremely limiting site condition. It appears that the existence of kerangas forests and resources from kerangas forest are becoming rare, while the knowledge of kerangas forest remains. Therefore, remnant kerangas forests should be well identified through sound inventories for better management including research purposes. Its sould become a conservation strategy of kerangas forest based on bioprospecting.
Appears in Collections:DT - Forestry

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BAB II Status Konservasi dan Karakteristik ....pdf
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