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dc.contributor.advisorDewi, Mira
dc.contributor.authorGifari, Nazhif
dc.description.abstractThe aims of the study are to examine the influence of multivitamin mineral supplementation on the nutritional status, hemoglobin concentration and physical activity of Bogor Agricultural University First Common Year female students. The previous research showed that Bogor Agricultural University First Common Year female students have a high prevalence of anemia (Briawan 2008). The design of the research was a double blind-quasi experimental. Subjects consisted 27 people who were sistematically allocated into two groups. The first group consisted of 14 people (28.5% anemia), received multivitamin mineral (MVM) and the second group consisted of 13 peopole (38.4% anemia), received placebo (control group). The supplements contained of vitamin B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, vitamin C, Ca, Mn, Fe and Zn which were distributed and consumed everyday during 8 weeks. The data used were primary data in the form of characteristic samples, anthropometry (weight, height and percent body fat), food consumption, level of fitness results of speed (running at 60 meter), endurance and muscle strength (sit-up, push-up and vertical jump), agility (shuttle run 4x10 meter) and VO2max values (bleep test). The results of statistical test (paired samples t-test) showed that there were significant difference of speed (sample at 60 meter of running) (MVM: p>0,060; placebo: p<0,029), push-up (MVM: p<0,008; placebo: p<0,029), sit-up (MVM: p<0,000; placebo: p<0,020) and bleep test (MVM: p<0,011; placebo: p<0,000), but there were no significant difference (p>0,05) in vertical jump and shuttle run test in both MVM and placebo groups.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University First Common Year female studentsen
dc.subjectphysical fitnessen
dc.subjectnutritional statusen
dc.subjecthemoglobin concentrationen
dc.subjectmultivitamin mineralen
dc.titlePengaruh suplementasi multivitamin mineral terhadap status gizi, kadar hemoglobin dan tingkat kebugaran fisik mahasiswi TPB IPBen
Appears in Collections:UT - Nutrition Science

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