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Title: The Relationship of Needs, Selection and Use of Mass Media with Satisfaction Information Facilities/Infrastructure Transportation
Hubungan Kebutuhan, Pemilihan dan Penggunaan Media Massa dengan Kepuasan Informasi tentang Sarana dan Prasarana Transportasi
Authors: Saleh, Amiruddin
Fauzi, Ahmad
Keywords: Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: In performing the mass media function of conveying information development must have a goal that is to be expected given the information in mass media can be used together and as wide as possible as something necessary and useful for life. To be used and useful for the people then the people who need the information to know and understand the information conveyed by the mass media, and for that, people should choose to use the mass media is the source of information in order to achieve satisfaction with the information from the mass media. Specifically, the purpose of this study to: Analyze the needs of the villagers for regarding the information services transport facilities and infrastructure that exist in the media. Analyze the mass media selection by villagers in obtain regarding the information services transport infrastructure. Analyze the use of mass media by villagers in obtain regarding the information services transport infrastructure. Analyze the satisfaction of the villagers for regarding the information services transport facilities and infrastructure gained through mass media. Analyze the relationship will need about information transportation infrastructure services with the use of the mass media. Analyze the electoral connection with the use of mass media by villagers in obtaining transportation facilities and infrastructure services. Analyzing the relationship of mass media use to the satisfaction of the villagers for regarding the information services transport infrastructure. The study was conducted in the village of West Cilebut. Site selection is purposive and executed September-November 2012. The research method was correlational descriptive survey. The population is villagers in West Cilebut. Sampling was simple random sampling technique. Total sample 52 households. Data analyzed were descriptively by frequency, average, percentage, average score, average score and the total distribution chart. Analysis of the relationship using the rank Spearman test. Data analysis was performed using SPSS 18,0 for windows. The results showed that: (1) Gender male respondents with the percentage of 62,0%. (2) age of respondents classified as earning between 37-65 years at 62,0%. (3) Work on the percentage of respondents 46,6% are private employees. The need for information services respondents transportation facilities and infrastructure gained through mass media including high with the average score of 2,90. The selection of the mass media by the respondents to obtain transportation facilities and infrastructure categorized either with high or average score of 2,79. The use of the mass media by the respondents in obtaining information services to the transportation infrastructure, including the average score of 2,65 or better in the high category. Respondent satisfaction for information transport infrastructure services obtained through mediamassa were high with the average score of 2,70. Cognitive needs have highly significant positive correlation (p < 0,01) with frekuendi indicators and goals. There is a highly significant positive correlation (p < 0,01) between affective needs with the goal, and positively correlated significantly (p < 0,05) with frekuens. The need for a real personal identity is positively related to the type and frequency of exposure situations. There is a highly significant positive correlation (p < 0,01) between the need for social relationships with the kind of exposure situations and positively correlated significantly (p < 0,05) with frequency, but correlated negatively but not significantly correlated (p > 0,05) with the aim of . There is a real positive relationship (p < 0,05) between the entertainment needs of the type of exposure situation, but correlated negatively but not significantly correlated with (p > 0,05) with frequency. In the variable selection at the reception indicator for media, functional value, value of information, and the economic value of having highly significant positive correlation (p < 0,01) with exposure to these types of situations, as well as the frequency, only media reception will significantly correlated (p < 0,05) with the frequencies. The economic value of having highly significant positive correlation (p < 0,05) with the goal, while the reception will be the media have a negative correlation but not significantly correlated (p > 0,05) with the goal. Functional value is positively associated significantly (p < 0,05) with the goal. There is a highly significant positive correlation (p < 0,01) between indicators of exposure to these types of situations by the indicators of cognitive, affective, social, and entertainment. There is a highly significant positive correlation (p < 0,01) between the frequency of the indicators with cognitive-oriented satisfaction. There is a highly significant relationship (p < 0,01) between the objective indicator of satisfaction and cognitive-oriented entertainment, and positively correlated significantly (p < 0,05) with social relationships. social relationships. It is concluded that there is a real connection between the need for information, and the selection of the mass media with the use of the mass media by the respondents, and there is a real connection between the use of mass media with the satisfaction of information service transportation facilities and infrastructure gained through mass media.
Appears in Collections:MT - Human Ecology

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