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Title: Karakterisasi Berbagai Aksesi Meniran (Phyllanthus niruri L.), Studi Perkecambahan dan Pematahan Dormansi.
Authors: Sari, Maryati
Kurniawati, Ani
Muhammad, Nurul Bunga Fitri
Keywords: Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
methods of seed germination
pre germination
Phyllanthus niruri L
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: This research aims to characterize some accession meniran, get information about seed viability of meniran and methods germination test of meniran. This research was conducted from February 2012 to June 2012. The accession of Phyllanthus niruri L. that used in this research are come from Gresik, Jember, Kebon Kalapa, Leuwikopo and accession come from Semplak. The research consists of three experiments. The first experiment to characterize meniran. Experimental design used is a Randomized Blok Design (RKLT) by a factor that is accession. A second experiment to see the effect of pre-germination on the viability meniran. The data obtained were tested by t test. The third experiment get information about methods of germination test meniran. The data obtained were tested by t test. The results of the research showed that characters of Phyllanthus niruri L is devided in to three main grouped, where the degree of similarity 45.21% Jember accession separately from the other accessions. Differences accession Jember prominent than the other accessions in character fruit color (red), branch color (red-purple), while the other accessions green. At the rate of 77.63% similarity, there are Gresik and Semplak in one group and Kebon Kalapa, Leuwikopo, Sawah Baru in other group that has highest production of biomass. Seed soaking treatment with water and 250 ppm IAA gives the same effect as no treatment on the viability various accession meniran. Value germination pre soaking seed treatment with GA3 influence was significantly higher when compared with the value of germination without treatment, seed treatment with 250 ppm GA3 increase seed viability meniran, increased viability seen from the increase to grow the seed, grow the seed in which the value of 49.7% (without treatment) increased to 79.0% (GA3 soaking treatment). Meniran seed germination in the nursery with soil mixed media manure with a ratio of 1:1 has has the higher average value of the maximum growth when compared with germination in laboratory test methods. In this research, the test method in the form of laboratory test methods and UDK ½ UKDdp with or without pre-germination of GA3 250 ppm, not to be able to represent the corresponding germination potential of the seeds germinated in the nursery.
Appears in Collections:UT - Agronomy and Horticulture

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