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Title: Efektivitas Iklan Layanan Masyarakat Keluarga Berencana Versi Shireen Sungkar dan Teuku Wisnu pada Remaja di Desa Ciomas, Bogor
Authors: Riyanto, Sutisna
Pridatika, Tiara
Keywords: Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
family planning
public service ads
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: This study aimed to assess the effectiveness of public service ads, analyzed the exposure and the factors that drive it, correlation between exposure and the effectiveness of public service ads, as well as the level of disruption and communication barrier and its relation with the effectiveness of public service ads. The research sample was adolescents in RW 06 and 07 Ciomas village who had seen the ads and be willing to be the respondents. The results showed that the audience had low level of exposure. Individual characteristics correlates with the exposure at the gender variable whereas sociological characteristics are not correlates. The effectiveness of public service ads are high on cognitive, affective, and conative aspects. Audiences’ exposure correlates with the effectiveness of public service ads at affective, conative, and total effectivity aspects. The disruption and communication barriers are both low at semantic interference and cultural barriers aspects, and correlates with the effectiveness of public service ads. Semantic interference correlates with cognitive, affective, conatif, and total effectivity aspects whereas the cultural barrier correlates with the affective aspects.
Appears in Collections:UT - Communication and Community Development

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BAB V Keterdedahan Iklan Layanan Masyarakat Keluarga Berencana Versi Shireen Sungkar dan Teuku Wisnu.pdf
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BAB VI Efektivitas Iklan Layanan Masyarakat Keluarga Berencana Versi Shireen Sungkar dan Teuku Wisnu.pdf
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