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Title: Analisis Kestabilan Model Mangsa-Pemangsa dengan Interferensi Antarpemangsa
Authors: Kusnanto, Ali
Bakhtiar, Toni
Azhari, Fikri
Keywords: Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
competition level.
saturation level
stability analysiis
interference between predators
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: In this study we reconstructed a predator-prey model of three animal species in a food chain, which consist of two species of predator and one species of prey (Feng et al. (2010)). From this model we investigated the effects of interference between predators based on the saturation and competition levels. In the stability analysis five equilibrium points obtained, in which two of them are unstable saddles. The effects of saturation and competition levels to population dynamics is shown by using numerical approach, where four conditions are considered. In the first condition, the saturation level of two predators is bigger than the competition level. In the second condition, the saturation level of two predators is lower than the competition level. In the third condition, the saturation level of predator I is bigger than its competition level, but saturation level of predator II is lower than its competition level. The fourth condition, the saturation level of predator I is lower than its competition level, but saturation level of predator II is bigger than its competition level. In general, the simulation results of the four conditions above, concluded that the saturation level of predator I and competition level of predator II effects the stability of populations, whereas saturation level of predator II and competition level of predator I did not effects the stability of populations.
Appears in Collections:UT - Mathematics

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