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Title: Ukuran dan Bentuk Tubuh Kambing Perah Peranakan Etawah Di Peternakan Doa Anak Yatim Farm dan Cordero Farm
Authors: Sumantri, Cece
Tjakradidjaja, Anita S.
Sukowarsih, R. Embhan
Keywords: Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
Clustered Diagram
Principal Component Analysis
Etawah Grade
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: The study observed body size and shape variability of Etawah Grade dairy goat in Doa Anak Yatim Farm (DAYF) in Waru Tegal village, District Ciampea and Cordero Farm (CF) in Ciapus, Bogor. EG dairy goat consisted of 185 heads were divided into 97 heads in DAYF (45 males and 52 females) and 88 heads in CF (35 males and 53 females). Goat was not randomly selected (purposive sampling). Descriptive statistics indicated that body measurements of PE dairy goat in CF was higher and selected strict than in DAYF. T2-Hotelling showed highly significant (P<0.01) differences in linear measurements of body surface of EG dairy goat in DAYF and CF. Principal Component Analysis showed that the size discriminator of EG dairy goat in DAYF and in CF was similar, namely body length and chest circumference. Eigen vector of body length and chest circumference of EG dairy goat in DAYF were +0.528 and +0.550 respectively, and that of in CF were +0.476 dan +0.522 respectively. The possibility proportion of Ettawa and Local (Kacang) blood goats observed was the same. The range of PE goat size in DAYF obtained at 58.722 to 185.974 wider than those found in CF at 76.323 to 182.257. The shape discriminator of EG dairy goat in DAYF and CF was different. The shape discriminator of EG dairy goat in DAYF was 0.768, whereas that of body length in CF was 0.837. Clustered diagram showed that the body size will increase and its shape will change as the EG dairy goats from both farm are getting older.
Appears in Collections:UT - Animal Production Science and Technology

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