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Title: Monitoring Luas Hutan Rakyat Berdasarkan Citra Landsat : Kasus di Kecamatan Cikalong, Kabupaten Tasikmalaya, Jawa Barat
Authors: Karminarsih, Emi
Puspaningsih, Nining
Ahmada, Syauqi
Keywords: Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
community forest, monitoring
citra Landsat
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: Increasing of community forest become larger than previous age related to increasing of spatial monitoring to the community forest development, the objective of this program to support the operational management development in future. To help presenting the information and updatable quickly, remote sensing technology with Landsat satelite is a method to monitor the changing community forest area. This research held in Cikalong District, Tasikmalaya Regency, West Java by using citra landsat which captured in 1994, 2000, 2005 and 2010. Land cover classification visual analysis in citra 2005 and 2010 and digital analysis in citra 1994 and 2000. Factors that influence to the development of community forest area were identified by using open type interview and non-structured interview methods. Success evaluation measured by using accuracy test (kappa, overall, user and producer) and separability analysis. While, the measurement to analyze alteration from community forest area by using the post classification comparasion method. The result from digital analysis by using citra landsat showed 12 classes of land covers, i.e water flow, plantation forest, open area, settlement, community forest, mixing farm, dry agriculture area, swamp, rice field, bush, cloud, and cloud shadow. Citra Landsat visual analysis showed 10 classes similar with digital analysis without cloud and cloud shadow. Accuracy result from citra landsat classification showed the value of kappa 97,21 %, overall 98,18 %, user 96,66 %, and producer 97,85 % in citra 2010. The value of kappa 93,03 %, overall 95,45 %, user 92,62 %, and producer 97,39 % in citra 2005. Value of kappa 87,6 %, overall 89,14 %, user 91,88 %, and producer 85,86 % in citra 2000. Value of kappa 89,03 %, overall 90,32 %, user 90,93%, and producer 84,45 % in 1994. The period between 1994-2010 community forests increased dynamically because of over function land use to be community forests especially mixing farm and dry agricultural area. In 1994 community forest showed at 4282,45 ha , 6501,61 ha in 2000, 8077,41 in 2005 and 8157,41 in 2010. The factors that influence increasing community forests is land tenure, good market access, good institutional, planting culture or local wisdom and success story about community woods entrepreneur between local community.
Appears in Collections:UT - Forest Management

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