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Title: Produksi Bakteriosin dari Bakteri Asam Laktat Galur SCG 1223 dalam Media Molasses
Authors: Mangunwidjaja, Djumali
Prabowo, Sudrajat koco
Keywords: Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: Bacteriocins are proteinaceous (generally peptide) which can inhibit the growth bactery pathogen that similar or closely related bacterial strain with the cell producer of bacteriocins. Efficiency and effectivitiy of bacteriocins production can be obtained by optimizing production factors. Bacteriocins given much benefit for industrial food, because bacteriocins can reduced the contaminant microorganism causing food spoiled and food borne illness diseas. Usually media for bacteriocins production is MRS Broth (de Mann Rogosa Sharpe). But MRS broth is expensive for industrial scale production. Because of that, we need to find alternative media which is cheaper but effective for growth medium. Molasses is one of ingredient that usually to use as medium growth of microorganism. To optimized the growth of lactic acid bacteria (LAB), molasses media can be added by yeast extract, peptone, and tween 80. This research obtain to know ability bacteriocins from LAB SCG 1223 which growth in molasses medium and get formula medium based on melasses media that is efficient to produce bacteriocins and effective to inhibit the bacterial pathogen. Indicator bacterial was needed to know the ability of bacteriocins to inhibit the growth bactery pathogen. The more bactery pathogen species which can inhibit by bactericins more wide the spectrum inhibit activity. The inhibit activity of bacteriocins was known by the transparent zone around the colony. According to the result of this research, formula media M4K1P2 which consist of molasses 4%, yeast extract 1%, peptone 2%, and tween 80 1% is effective to inhibit pathogen bacterial. The formula M4K1P2 has inhibit activity 1004.80 against E. Coli, 2047.59 AU/ml against L. Monocytogenes, and 529.80 AU/ml against S. Thypimurium. Inhibit activity is an ability for one molecul bacteiocin to inhibit single cell pathogen microorganism which we can assume from the wide of the clear zone.
Appears in Collections:UT - Agroindustrial Technology

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