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Title: Desain Model Penilaian Udang Ekspor Berbasis Jaminan Mutu dan Keamanan Pangan
Authors: Hardjomidjojo, Hartrisari
Fitrianto, Wahyu
Keywords: Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
food safety
quality assurance
exported shrimp
assessment model
assessment system
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: As a shrimp exporting country, Indonesia is still facing quality and food safety problems. Shrimp certification system as the policy conducted by the government to assure the implementation of quality and food safety did not perform well yet due to rejection of some exported shrimps from major importing countries. In this research, system approach was used to solve the problems by developing asessments models. The aim of this research is to develop Quality and Food Safety Assurance based-Assessment Model for Exported Shrimps in a software application. Assessment models were developed for several shrimp units in shrimp chain business involved in the implementation of quality and food safety assurance based on quality and food safety standards from government policy and international standards. There are six assessment models that were developed: (1) assessment model for shrimp ponds, (2) assessment model for shrimp fishing units or vessels, (3) assessment model for shrimp importers, (4) assessment model for shrimp collection units, (5) assessment model for shrimp processing units, and (6) assessment model for shrimp analytical laboratories. Shrimp Assessment System 1.0 (ShASy 1.0) is the name of application software had been designed to implement the assessment models. ShASy 1.0 could evaluate the implementation of quality and food safety standards and determine the result (GOOD or NOT GOOD) based on its deviation. ShASy 1.0 was tested and worked properly through the verification models. The actual data for verification models were collected from Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, Indonesia. The average deviation of quality and food safety implementation from verification results are 72.49% in shrimp ponds, 5% in shrimp importers, 61.54% in shrimps collection units, 20.47% in shrimp processing units, and 62.5% in shrimp analytical laboratories. The results show the lack implementation of quality and food safety assurance in all shrimps units especially in units which had high average deviation value such as shrimp ponds, collection units and analytical laboratories. There is no policy implemented for quality and food safety assurance in shrimp fishing units up till now. Based on verification, several recommendations are given to the government to improve shrimp certification system such as policies and tools for implementing certification in shrimp fishing units and shrimp collection units, standards adjustment for traditional shrimp ponds certification, tightening supervision for certified shrimp processing units, competency improvement for shrimp analytical laboratories, and holding various socialization and training programs for shrimp units.
Appears in Collections:UT - Agroindustrial Technology

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