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dc.contributor.advisorHerlina, Lien
dc.contributor.authorNailiah, Rusma
dc.description.abstractThe frequency of customer purchases rarely made restaurant has little chance of maintaining customer loyalty. Customer loyalty is an important consideration for corporate competitive strategy. Papa Ron's Pizza restaurant has to be able to positioning themselves and compete in ways innovative marketing. This shows the importance for companies to always give a positive image to customers that can be done through a process of communication in Marketing Public Relations (MPR). MPR is a form of communication programs designed to promote and protect the image of a company or product. Communication activities should be done continuously to maintain customer loyalty. The key to achieve customer loyalty is the formation of customer value. The purpose of this research was to analyze the influence of variables Marketing Public Relations (MPR) to the customer value, to analyze the influence of customer value to the customer loyalty, and analyze the influence of variables Marketing Public Relations (MPR) to the customer loyalty Papa Ron's Pizza Bogor restaurant. Data were collected through observation, interviews, and distributing questionnaires to the respondents. The sampling method used was convenience sampling. Respondents in this study amounted to 100 people with 90% confidence level. Customer loyalty is determined based on Griffin‟ criteria customer loyalty. The methods of data processing analysis are linear and multiple regression analysis, F test, t test, and analysis determination coefficient R2 with data processing Microsoft Excel 2007 and SPSS version 17. Based on Griffin‟ criteria customer loyalty known that Papa Ron's Pizza restaurant are classified as repeat customers (customers with repeated purchases) as much as 3%. Customer clients (customers regularly purchases) by 74% and customers advocates (loyal customers who recommend products) as much as 23%. Papa Ron's Pizza restaurant has some loyal customers (advocates). This can be an opportunity for the restaurant to maintain relationships with customers continuously through communication in Marketing Public Relations activities. MPR variables overall significantly influence to the customer value and only the publications and identities media that have a significant. Variable MPR are only able to explain customer value by 31.0%, the remaining 69% is explained by other variables are not studied. Publications and identity media of the restaurant was able to meet customer value. The benefits of publication continuously are achieved the customer value. The benefits are influenced by media identity directly is the value of product and corporate image. The result of linear regression analysis the influence of customer value to the customer loyalty has significant effect. The benefits of restaurant products performance (food taste) has been able to provide customer value. Customers with repeated purchases will be a loyal customer and will eventually formed a close relationship in the form of customer loyalty. MPR variables overall significantly influence to the customer loyalty and only variables of publications, news and identities media has a significant. MPR variables could only explain the customer loyalty by 32.9%, the remaining 67.1% described other variables are not studied. The existence of this small effect could be an opportunity for Papa Ron's Pizza restaurant in formulating strategies to communicate in maintaining customer loyalty. Strategies that can be done by maintaining publications and identities media, and keep doing the preaching. The low percentage of the effect of MPR to the customer loyalty into consideration of the restaurant decision to invest the cost in various activities of MPR to be more effective.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.titleAnalisis Pengaruh Marketing Public Relations terhadap Loyalitas Konsumen Restoran Papa Ron‟s Pizza Bogoren
Appears in Collections:UT - Agroindustrial Technology

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