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Title: Pengaruh Penambahan Bahan Pengental terhadap Kualitas Dadih Susu Sapi dengan Starter Lactobacillus casei.
Authors: Sa’id, E. Gumbira
Yodhabrata, Mahesa
Keywords: Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: Dadih is one of the fermented milk products from West Sumatra, Indonesia, and made by fermenting buffalo milk naturally in the bamboo for 48 hours. Limited of raw materials and inconsistency product make dadih difficult to be developed. Improving of process and adding thickening agent hopefully can increase quality of dadih so it will be able to be accepted by people and become one of functional industrial food product that could be commercialized. This study aims to study the influence of thickening agent for quality of dadih and to decide the correct type and concentration of thickening agent. The design of study used completely randomized design factorial, consisted of two factors; they were the type and concentration thickening agent. There are two types of thickening agent, are gelling agent and non gelling agent. The treatment with Gelling Agent was used seaweed and pectin with concentration 0,10%, 0,15%, and 0,20% while the treatment with non gelling agent was used CMC and Arabic Gum with concentration 0,6%, 0,8%, and 1,0%. Parameter of Research were Physical–chemistry analysis which included moisture content, carbohydrate content, protein content, pH, acidity total, and viscosity; microbiology included total plate count bacteria; and organoleptic included hedonic test, same/different test and ranking test. Based on physical-chemistry analysis and microbiologiy of dadih the addition of Thickening Agent and concentration did not give the different result. While, t-test, which used thickening agent with gelling agent and non-gelling agent did not give the different result. Based on hedonic test, the addition of thickening agent gave different result. Panelist graded that adding pectin 0,1% gave better color while they prefer dadih with pectin 0,1% for the flavor. The most delicious of taste were dadih with pectin 0,15%, while dadih with pectin 0,2% gave the best texture by panelist. In generally, dadih with pectin 0,1% more preferable than the other treatments. Based on chi–square test list, organoleptic testing with the same/different test and ranking test showed the result was not different (P>0,05). In the same and different test, dadih with adding thickening agent with gelling agent and non-gelling agent gave the different result with the real dadih. While ranking test showed that dadih with pectin 0,2% gave the best response from panelist was compared the other treatments. From the result of this study it could be concluded that dadih from cow milk with the addition of the pectin thickening agent 0,2% gave the best result than the other treatments in process for making dadih cow milk.
Appears in Collections:UT - Agroindustrial Technology

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