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Title: Synergistic Effect Of Taurine Sea Slug (Discodoris sp.) and Ginger (Curcuma Xanthorriza Roxb.) in Functional Beverage Powders.
Efek Sinergis Taurin Lintah Laut (Discodoris sp.) dan Temulawak (Curcuma xanthorriza Roxb.) dalam Serbuk Minuman Fungsional
Authors: Nurjanah
Tarman, Kustiariyah
Putri, R. Marwita Sari
Keywords: taurine
functional beverages
synergistic effects
sea slug
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: Aquatic resources such as sea slug (Discodoris sp.) can be made into functional beverages. Sea slug has been reported to possess antioxidant properties which allege that the functional drink made from sea slug contains taurine. The study was conducted into 3 phases: 1 )preparation of raw materials (Discodoris sp.) 2) preparation of additional ingredients (ginger, curcuma and lemon) 3) formulation of the functional beverage product. The aim of the study were 1) to determine the concentration of raw materials composition by considering the synergistic effect of taurine on the functional beverage, 2)to determine the effect of the preparation of functional beverage powders on total taurine, 3)to determine the effect of storage on taurine content functional beverage powders sea slug. Three best formula which physically acceptable:T1 formula (Discodoris sp. 20%, ginger 40%, curcuma 20%, lemon 20%),T2 Formula (Discodoris sp. 25%, ginger 40%, curcuma 15%, lemon 20%), and T3 Formula (Discodoris sp. 30%, ginger 40%, curcuma 10%, lemon 20%). Addition of sea slug, ginger, curcuma and lemon in formulation caused a synergistic effect on taurine content. The length of storage decreased the amount of taurine in the functional beverage powders sea slug.
Appears in Collections:MT - Fisheries

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