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Title: Studi Potensi Pemanfaatan Limbah Cair Organik Rumah Sakit PMI Kota Bogor Sebagai Alternatif Energi Terbarukan (Biogas)
Authors: Agustina, Sri Endah
Rahmayanti, Gina
Keywords: Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
renewable energy
organic liquid waste
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: Waste is defined as all of the material that discarded from the human activities such as household, commerce, hospital, industrial, and agricultural. Biogas technology is one of technologies which can be used to convert hospital’s organic liquid waste to energy resource and other useful product such as liquid fertilizer. The objectives of this research is to determine the potential of hospital's organic liquid waste to produce biogas, and also to analyze the technical feasibility towards the implementation of biogas technology in processing of hospital's organic liquid waste. This research was divided into 2 steps: the preliminary study and the main study. In the preliminary study, raw material was analyzed (water content, C/N ratio) to find the best material and optimum composition which produce highest productivity. The selected material and composition will be use as feedstock for biogas producer plant which is observed in the main study. Result of preliminary study shows that the potential study was organic liquid waste without solids material (C/N ratio 16.36) which could produce biogas approximately 0.718 liters/day. The drum with capacity of 240 liters has been used as a continuous type digester. Result of technical analysis was indicated that the implementation of biogas technology to organic liquid waste without solid material, didn't feasible due to the low methane concentration (approximately 0.04%) in the biogas. The several factors which influenced biogas production were ambient temperature, C/N ratio, and toxic material.
Appears in Collections:UT - Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering

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