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Title: Influence of Parenting Style and Methods of Socialization on Honesty and Responsibility Character of High School Students in Bogor
Pengaruh Gaya Pengasuhan dan Metode Sosialisasi Orang Tua terhadap Karakter Jujur dan Tanggung Jawab Siswa SMA di Kota Bogor
Authors: Hastuti, Dwi
Pasaribu, Ria Magdalena
Keywords: authoritarian
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: Parenting style and methods of socialization are believed to be determining factors of a successful child development. The purpose of this research was to analyze the influence of parenting style and methods of socialization on character of high school students in Bogor, especially character of honesty and responsibility. This research was conducted at six schools representing public and vocational high schools with total sample of 200 adolescents consisted of 100 male and 100 female adolescents. The sample criteria were grade 10 students and came from an intact family. The data was collected from May until June 2012. The result showed that there were positive significant correlations between family income and father’s permissive parenting style and mother’s authoritarian parenting style; authoritative parenting style of both parents and methods of socialization of both parents; authoritative parenting style of both parents and adolescent’s character; and between methods of socialization of both parents and adolescent’s character. Contrary to that, significant negative correlations were found between permissive parenting style of both parents and methods of socialization of both parents, and between permissive parenting style of both parents and adolescent’s character. Regression analyses (R2 = 0.267) showed that authoritative parenting style and methods of socialization of mothers were dominant variables which influenced adolescent’s character positively, while permissive parenting style of mothers influenced adolescent’s character negatively.
Appears in Collections:MT - Human Ecology

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