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Title: Optimization of TLC Mobile Phase Using Mixture Design for Fingerprint Analysis of Curcuma xanthorrhiza
Pengoptimuman Fase Gerak KLT dengan Rancangan Campuran untuk Analisis Sidik Jari Temulawak
Authors: Rafi, Mohamad
Djauhari, Edy
Istiqomah, Isnaini Farida Arif
Keywords: Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: Temulawak is widely used as jamu, a traditional Indonesia medicine. Therefore we have developed a TLC fingerprint method to standardized raw material or extract of Curcuma xanthorrhiza to ensure the quality of its finished product. The fingerprint of TLC analysis is a common method for this purpose. First step to developed a TLC fingerprint was to select optimum mobile phase to obtained good separation of the components. Simplex centroid design is used for mobile phase optimization from three selected solvents that were acetone, dichloromethane, and chloroform. The results showed that the optimum mobile phase using UV 366 nm detection was obtained using dichloromethane and chloroform ratio of 0.5164:0.4836 with R2 value of 91.39%, whereas the optimum mobile phase using vanillin-sulfuric acid detection was obtained using dichloromethane and chloroform ratio of 0.8178:0.1822 with R2 value of 93.40%.
Appears in Collections:UT - Chemistry

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