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Title: Strategic options of tropical peat forest management to anticipate carbon trading
Pilihan strategi pengelolaan hutan gambut tropika dalam kerangka skema perdagangan karbon
Authors: Elias
Darusman, Dudung
Suwarna, Ujang
Keywords: tropical peat forest
carbon stock changes
economic value
management options
Issue Date: 2010
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: Tropical natural forest was important agent in global climate change mitigation through absorption and storage of carbon in form of biomass. One of forest ecosystem type that has potential to absorb and store carbon was tropical peat forest. Measurement and calculation total carbon stocks in soil and vegetation of tropical peat forest must be done accurately to anticipate carbon trading. The objective of the study was to estimate total carbon stocks in soil and vegetation, to identify forest carbon stock changes, to analyse carbon economic value, and to describe strategic options of peat forest management. The study found that biomass and carbon stocks in the soil was 8 times higher than in the vegetation in primary forest condition, and 10 times in logged over forest and secondary forest condition. Carbon stocks in vegetation and soil were 189.45 ton C/ha and 1537.37 ton C/ha in primary forest, 161.76 ton C/ha, and 1713.77 ton C/ha in logged over area, 139.05 ton C/ha and 1486.39 ton C/ha in secondary forest, and 43.09 ton C/ha and 1205.59 ton C/ha in degraded forest. Option of degraded forest conversion to plantation forest can improve above carbon stock, provide profitability from both timber sale and carbon trade, give forward and backward linkages, and increase national and regional economic growth. Option of no conversion but conserve the natural forest can maintain forest carbon stock and provide profitability from carbon trade. This option potencially might decrease forward and backward linkages and regional economic growth. Option of no conversion but manage the natural forest for timber and carbon with sustainable forest management (SFM) by applying RIL techniques and reducing felling intencity can progressively increase forest carbon stock, provide profitability from both timber sale and carbon trade, give forward and backward linkages, and increase regional economic growth.
Appears in Collections:DT - Forestry

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