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Title: Rancang Bangun Sistem Bisnis Berbasis Internet (E-Business) Untuk Agroindustri Kulit Samak (Leather)
Authors: Arkeman, Yandra
Suparno, Ono
Wanurmarahayu, Citra
Keywords: Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
business systems
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: Trading business based on information technology in the recent years is expected to dominate the world. In Indonesia, information technology-based business has not been used optimally. Opportunities in the utilization of online transaction is actually widely open. One of the potential commodity to develop and to commerce is the leather. This research aims to design a web based business systems (e-business) for leather commodity, through developing an online transaction system (e-commerce) and customer services. Scope of this research was a system designed internet business system for leather commodities that include to informing products, sale and purchase transactions, customer service and cooperation with business partners in the form of exchange data and information. The data of product specifications and prices were obtained from five companies. There were 124 kinds of products to sale. This website was built by using Macromedia Dreamweaver, Adobe Photoshop CS3, Photoscape and mySQL database, such as seven main menus on the homepage of the website, which can be accessed by the customer, i.e : Home, Product (Finished Leather, Finished Product), Customer Account (Registration new customer, Login customer, and Logout customer), Contact, Supplier and Other Industries (Chemical and Machinery Suppliers and Other Leather Industries), Payment and Delivery (Leather Product Purchase Guide and Payment Method and Delivery Cost) and Customer Services (Discussion Forum and Order Status). Meanwhile, the duty of administrators was updating the menu of products, shipping and order status, check transactions, and calculating the profit/loss per month per product item and also drawing graphic information in sales per year. The mechanism of E-CLT payment was interbank transfer facility. The payment was validated by sending the proof of payment slip to the customer by email.
Appears in Collections:UT - Agroindustrial Technology

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