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Title: Valuasi ruang terbuka hijau tipe pekarangan berdasarkan pendekatan biaya kesehatan (Studi kasus Desa Gunung Putri, Kecamatan Gunung Putri, Kabupaten Bogor)
Authors: Sunarminto, Tutut
Hermawan, Rachmad
Widiyawati, Ana
Keywords: Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
green open space
home garden
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: The rapidly developed industry cause positive and negative impact to environment. One of the negative impacts is air pollution. Air pollution causes respiratory diseases. It makes goverment spend much fund for health subsidy. Health subsidy can be reduce by building green open space which would reduce the pollutant of environmental. Home garden is one of green open space type. Currently the existence home garden decrease unstead of it is contribution toward the quality at the environments. Gunung Putri village is one of village located industrial area. It cause of air pollution. Impact of air pollution in this village will cause economic loss. This fee are the cost of medical treatment and the cost of prevention disease and reduced income due to air pollution Therefore, study of valuation of home garden based on health cost must be done. This research was conducted to determine the value of home garden type of green open space based on health cost approach and to determine the public perception of the existence of the home garden. The results could be useful for the society and goverment in spatial management. This research also provides information to the public about the economic value of home garden so that the existence of the home garden can be maintained. The research was conducted in July - August 2012 in Gunung Putri village, Gunung Putri subdistrict, Bogor regency. The research was conducted through interview with respondents about the costs to be incurred due to air pollution.This fee are the cost of medical treatment and the cost of prevention disease and reduced income due to air pollution. The reseach showed that the home garden is Gunung Putri Village was able to provide benefit cost as much Rp 1.863.606 per capita per year. It will continue to increase because the value of these each year will continue to be supplied by home garden to quality of environments. This value indicates the amount of the subsidy cost to be incurred by the government every year. People already know the benefits of being trees in the home garden.This knowledge has not been accompanied by the attitude of the villagers to keep the existence of the home garden.
Appears in Collections:UT - Conservation of Forest and Ecotourism

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