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Title: Optimasi Konsentrasi Sulfur dan Bahan Pencepat Pada Sintesa Faktis Gelap Dengan Bahan Baku Minyak Jarak Pagar (Jatropha Curcas L.).
Authors: Muslich
Syamsu, Yoharmus
Keywords: Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: Demand increasing on product rubber based have been causing the increasing of factice needs. Dark factice is synthesized by vulcanization of oil and sulfur at high temperatures. In the rubber compound production process, factice function increase homogeneity, save blending time, reduce energy, and produce rubber compounds which more resistant to ozone. The aims of this study were to determine the effect of sulphur and accelerator to physical and chemical character of factice, optimum concentration of both sulphur and accelerator to acetone extract. The experimental design used in this research was Response Surface Method (RSM), consist of two factors, sulphur and accelerator concentration. Low and high value of sulphur concentration low value were 26 pho (part perhundred weight oil) and high value were 30 pho. Accelerator material used are tetramethyl thiuram disulfide (TMTD) and zinc diethyldithiocarbomate (ZDEC). Accelerator concentration factor low value were both 1 pho and high value were 3 pho. Factice production use single feedstock which was jatropha curcas oil. Iodine value and acid value of jatropha curcas oil were each 84.66 g iod/100 g oil and 4.63 mg KOH/g oil. Concentration of 26 pho sulphur and 3 pho ZDEC accelerator resulted the best factice with 20.22 % acetone extract value, 1.03 % free sulphur content, 5.41 % ash content, and pH 11. Factice production with 28 pho sulphur and 3.4 pho TMTD accelerator resulted the lowest acetone extract which its value was 18,60 %, 0.86 % free sulphur content, 4.52 % ash content, and pH 6.37.
Appears in Collections:UT - Agroindustrial Technology

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