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Title: The Effect of Organic Fertilizer Application to Production and Nutrients Uptake of Corn (Zea mays) on Latosol, Darmaga
Pengaruh Pemberian Pupuk Organik pada Produksi dan Serapan Hara Jagung Manis (Zea mays) di Latosol, Darmaga
Authors: Pulunggono, Heru Bagus
Djuniwati, Sri
Keywords: Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: There are two form of organic fertilizers, solid and liquid. Solid organic fertilizer is usually applied to the soil. The advantage in application of organic fertilizers able to adsorb nutrients that easily lost and supply availability of nutrients and therefore can increase efficiency of fertilizer. The purpose of this study was to study the effect of organic fertilizer application on Latosol, Darmaga to production and nutrient uptake of corn as plant indicator. The experiment was conducted in the greenhouse by using completely randomized design consisting of seven treatments and each treatment was repeated four times so that there were 28 pot experiments. Seven treatments were consisted of control, standard, 75% PO + 50% S, 75% PO + 75% S; 100% PO + 50% S; 100% PO + 75% S, and 125% PO + 50% S. The parameters measured were plant height, weight of shoot, root weight, ear weight with and without cornhusk, uptake of N, P, and K nutrients in shoot and plant roots and the Corganic content, N-total, and CEC (cation exchange capacity) soil after the experiment. The result of experiment showed that the application of organic and anorganic (standard) fertilizer on plant height and weight of shoot was not significantly different than standard fertilizer (100% S). The weight of plant roots and nutrient uptake of N, P, and K of the shoot and plant roots in the treatment of 100% PO + 75% S was significantly higher than other treatments. Treatment combination of organic and anorganic (standard) fertilizer at the lower doses of standard recommendation significantly increased ear weight with and without cornhusk. Dosage recommendations based on the RAE value are the treatment of 100%PO + 50%S (158,66%) and 75%PO + 50%S (142,52%). The analysis of soil after the experiment showed that the use of organic fertilizer combined with anorganic fertilizer (standard) produced levels of C-organic, N-total, and the CEC soils tend to be higher than the standard (100% S) and control treatments. The use of organic fertilizer combined with anorganic (standard) fertilizer at lower doses (50% S and 75% S) increased effectiveness of fertilizer to increase the growth and production of corn.
Appears in Collections:UT - Soil Science and Land Resources

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