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Title: PengembanganData Warehouse dan OLAP untuk Metadata Penelitian Institut Pertanian Bogor
Authors: Ardiansyah, Firman
Anggraeni, Wiwiek Dewi
Keywords: Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
Data Warehouse
Business Intelligence
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: Data warehouse is a subject oriented, integrated, time variant, and nonvolatile collection of data used in strategic decision making. Bogor Agricultural University library has metadata. The activity of searching and browsing in the library Bogor Agricultural University can be based on metadata fields, such as title, author, faculty, department, subject, year, and keyword. This research develops a data warehouse and web-based OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) for undergraduate theses, master theses, disertations, and journal articles. Data warehouse and OLAP are part of Business Intelligence. Document corpus contains 65026 research metadata, 51389 undergraduate theses, 11260 master theses, 2377disertations, and 2000 journal articles from 1958 to 2011. The metadata are represented in a multidimensional model using galaxy scheme that consists of four data cube, with five dimension tables, i.e., faculty, department, time, lecturer, subject, and number of research. The result provides information that can be visualized into various types of graphic models, such as bar graphs, line graphs, and pie charts using Microsoft Sharepoint 2010. This application can be used to analyze undergraduate and graduate research as well as to provide a decision making support for research management in Bogor Agricultural University.
Appears in Collections:UT - Computer Science

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