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Title: Produksi Pendederan Ikan Sinodontis Synodontis eupterus Pada Padat Penebaran 6 Hingga 15 Ekor/L
Authors: Shafruddin,Dadang
Hastuti,Yuni Puji
Milonda, Randi
Keywords: Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: This research was conducted to determine the best rearing production of Synodontis eupterus at stocking density of 6 to 15 fish/L. This research consisted of 4 treatments with 3 replications. The fry that produced by a farmer around Subdistrict Ciherang, Bogor, West Java. The fry had average length of 2,55±0,01 cm with average weight of 0,44±0,01 g. Sinodontis fry were reared in aquarium 25x25x25 cm, and filled with 8 liters water. The period time of the rearing was 40 days. During the rearing, the fry were fed at satiation with silkworm twice a day (at the morning and in the afternoon). The water media was exchanged 30% total volume respectively twice a day (at the morning and in the afternoon). The result indicated that increasing the density did not significantly affect fish survival rate, but it was followed by decreasing of specific growth rate, daily weight gain, length, and feed efficiency. However, the yield, length diversity and profitability increased as the increasing of the density and it lead the highest production was achieved by stocking density of 15 fish/L.
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menentukan produksi terbaik ikan sinodontis Synodontis eupterus yang dipelihara pada padat penebaran 6 hingga 15 ekor/L. Penelitian ini menggunakan 4 perlakuan dengan 3 ulangan. Benih ikan yang digunakan berukuran panjang rata-rata 2,55±0,01 cm dengan bobot rata-rata 0,44±0,01 g yang berasal dari daerah Ciherang Kidul, Bogor, Jawa Barat. Benih ikan sinodontis dipelihara pada akuarium berukuran 25x25x25 cm yang diisi air tawar sebanyak 8 liter. Benih dipelihara selama 40 hari dan diberi pakan berupa cacing sutera dua kali sehari pada pagi dan sore hari secara at satiation. Pergantian air sebanyak 30% dari total volume air yang dilakukan pada pagi dan sore hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kepadatan tidak berpengaruh terhadap kelangsungan hidup. Namun peningkatan kepadatan diikuti dengan penurunan laju pertumbuhan spesifik, pertumbuhan bobot harian, pertumbuhan panjang mutlak, dan efisiensi pakan. Walaupun demikian koefisien keragaman panjang, laju pertumbuhan biomassa dan keuntungan meningkat, sehingga secara keseluruhan produksi terbaik diperoleh pada kepadatan 15 ekor/L.
Appears in Collections:UT - Aquaculture

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