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dc.contributor.advisorAmin, Akhmad Arif
dc.contributor.advisorKartono, Agus Priyono
dc.contributor.authorJao, Aly Alfred
dc.description.abstractThe Javan gibbon (Hylobates moloch Audebert, 1798)), found in Western Java, is one of the rarest and most endangered hylobatids. The role of local community on natural resource management and wildlife conservation in national parks, particularly in Mount Gede Pangrango (Resort Bodogol), is of vital importance. The aims of the study were to analyze the community activities conducted for the population of H. moloch, predict population growth for H. moloch and identify the use of habitat by H. moloch. The study was analyzed descriptively using data collected by questionnaires as well as field observation. Purposive Sampling technique was used to collect data from 100 respondents. The results showed that only 25% of them were active participants regarding conservation of H. moloch. The population of H. moloch consisted of 13 groups with 39 individuals which are 13 adult males and 14 adult females, 5 sub adult males, 4 sub adult females and 3 infantiles. The average population density was estimated at 27 animals/km2, the standard error of 2,61, with coefficient of variance 6,69%.The group studied was composed of one adult male, two adult female, two subs adult and one infant. The results from Focal Animal sampling method within five minutes interval showed that the time proportion of group activities consisted of feeding (33,06%), moving (10,87%), resting (36,26%), calling (4,32%) and social activities (15,45%). The value of sex ratio is 1:1,25 for sub adult, while the value of adult sex ratio was 1:0,92. Both of the sex ratio closes to 1:1. The rate of natality is 0,21, while the mortality rate cannot be calculated due to the lack of direct observation and time constraint. It is found that the diversity of plant species in habitat, consisted of 77 species from 27 families. Keywords: Javan gibbon, habitat, conservation, Bodogolen
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.titleSupport for Local Communities and Habitat Conservation of Javan Gibbon (Hylobates moloch Audebert, 1798) at Resort Bodogol in Mount Gede Pangrango National Parken
dc.titleDukungan Masyarakat Lokal dan Habitat untuk Konservasi Owa jawa (Hylobates moloch, Audebert, 1798) di Resort Bodogol Taman Nasional Gunung Gede Pangrango
Appears in Collections:MT - Multidiciplinary Program

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