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Title: Daya hipoglikemik hidrolisat, konsentrat, dan isolat protein teripang pasir (Holothuria Scabra J.) pada tikus percobaan
The hypoglycemic activity 0f protein hydrolysate, concentrate, and isolate of sea cucumber (Holothuria scabra J.) in rats
Authors: Astawan, Made
Wresdiyati, Tutik
Karnila, Rahman
Keywords: Sea cucumber (Holothuria scabra J.)
and hypoglycemic.
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: Sea cucumber (Holothuriascabra J.) contains high protein. The protein consists of several specific amino acids that can lower blood glucose, making it beneficial for patients with diabetes melitus (DM). The research aims to study the influence of free amino acids content in protein hydrolysate, concentrate, and isolate of sea cucumber on the reduction of blood glucose in rats. The study consisted of five stages: (1) preparation and proximate analysis of sea cucumber meat, (2) analysis of total and free amino acids hydrolysate, concentrate, and isolate, (3) determination of the hypoglycemic effect in rats, (4) bioassay (in vivo), and (5) testing of histopathology (hematoxylin-eosin and imunohistochemical). The results showed that protein content of sea cucumbers of meat and powder were 72.93%db and 72.07%db, respectively. Hydrolysate, concentrate, and isolate showed relativelely similar content of total amino acid at level, 48.6%, 47.77%, and 48.61% respectively. However, the free amino acid content of hydrolysate was higher (2.88 %) than those of free amino acid content of concentrate (0.25%) and isolate (0.22%). The treatment of 300 mg/kg (dw) of hydrolysate, concentrate, and isolate showed the best hypoglicemic effect in rats. In vivo test showed that treatment of DM+hydrolysate, DM+concentrate, and DM+isolate lower blood glucose levels and promote weight loss. These result were better than treatment of positive control (DM). Decreasing of blood glucose levels was noticed at about 53.9%, 6.6%, and 27.6% respectively, whereas weight gain was noticed at about 22.6%, 12.9%, and 17.3% respectively. The result intracellular antioxidant enzyme activity showed that hydrolisate, concentrate, and isolate was quite capable of maintaining the activity of the enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD) and was unable to maintain the activity of the enzyme glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and catalase. Histopathologic test with hematoxylin-eosin staining showed that the number of islets per field of view in group DM+hydrolysate treated rats was greater than those found in the DM+concentrate and DM+isolate groups. The number of islet were 2.47±0.92, 1.80±0.78, and 2.00±0.93 respectively. The number of islets of Langerhans found in positive and negative control rats were 1.80±0.78 and 3.07±0.80 respectively. Imunohistochemical test showed that the number of beta cells in the DM+hydrolysate group was higher than those of the DM+concentrate and DM+isolate groups, namely 40.10±6:35, 37.42±27.61, and 28.40±10.75. The number of beta cells in negative and positive control groups were 84.30±20.02 and 12.50 ±3.21 respectively.
Appears in Collections:DT - Agriculture Technology

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