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Title: Production System and Economic Value of Golden Silk Worm (Cricula trifenestrata) in Imogiri Village Cashew Plantation Yogyakarta
Sistem Produksi dan Nilai Ekonomi Pengusahaan Ulat Sutera Emas (Cricula trifenestrata) di Perkebunan Jambu Mete Desa Imogiri Yogyakarta
Authors: Setyono, Dwi Joko
Siregar, Hotnida C.H.
Furry, Citra Ayu
Keywords: wild silkworm
Cricula trienestrata
Production system
economic value
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: IPB ( Bogor Agricultural University )
Abstract: Indonesia has an abundant natural resources which is still unknown and utilized optimally, such as the potential of golden silkworm Cricula trifenestrata. The aimed of this study was to analyze the C. trifenestrata cocoon production system and economic value to cashew farmer in Imogiri, Yogyakarta. The result showed that the name of the silkworm clay C. trifenestrata, have been proved as the potential economic value which can be developed. Silkworms could be used not only by taking the cocoons as the raw materials of unique handicrafts, but also providing good influence for the quality of cashew fruit. The production process on utilizing C. trifenestrata was so simple; they used baskets, scissors, and scales. A wild silkworm life cycle (C. trifenestrata) spent 61-125 days. Farmers got a receipt IDR 1.260.000 for cocoon sale and IDR 500.000 for pupa sale. The net benefit was gotten for IDR 1.322.725 and Pay Back Period for 0.813 year. The research showed the production system of cocoons collecting was deserved economically to be improved.
Indonesia memiliki kekayaan alam yang berlimpah yang banyak diantaranya masih belum dimanfaatkan. Salah satu diantaranya adalah ulat sutera emas Cricula trifenestrata. Ulat sutera emas C. trifenestrata merupakan kelompok sutera non murbei yang menghasilkan benang-benang sutera berwarna keemasan. Tidak seperti jenis sutera yang lebih dikenal masyarakat berasal dari Bombyx mori atau ulat sutera murbei. Sutera yang dihasilkan oleh C. trifenestrata memiliki lebih kuat dan lembut di tangan. Sebagian petani jambu mete di daerah Yogyakarta sudah memanfaatkan kokon C. trifenestrata, meskipun produksi kokonnya masih sangat bergantung pada alam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis sistem produksi pemanfaatan kepompong sutera emas dan nilai ekonominya pada petani jambu mete di daerah Imogiri Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini didesain sebagai suatu penelitian survei. Rancangan dan analisis data yang digunakan meliputi analisis deskriptif dan analisis pendapatan (nilai ekonomi). Analisis deskripsi membahas input, proses dan output dalam sebuah proses produksi. Analisis pendapatan meliputi perhitungan biaya investasi, biaya operasinal, total cost, total revenue, keuntungan, R/C Ratio, dan Payback Periode.
Appears in Collections:UT - Animal Production Science and Technology

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