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Title: Kualitas Spermatozoa Cauda Epididimis Domba Garut yang diberi Pakan Limbah Tauge dan Indigofera sp pada Pengencer Tris Kuning Telur
Authors: Setiadi, Mohamad Agus
Astuti, Dewi Apri
Bangun, Era Kristiana Br
Keywords: Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
egg yolk tris
Indigofera sp
waste bean sprouts
cauda epididymis spermatozoa
Garut ram
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: Feed is one of the important factor to improve the quality of spermatozoa. Feed can be made from waste bean sprout and legume Indigofera sp. Garut ram has high economic value, but it is faced with the problem of limited number of a good quality of male. One of method that can be used to solve a problem is the utilization of cauda epididymal sperm since it has motility and an able to fertilize oocytes as well as ejaculated sperm. The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of feeding (waste bean sprout and Indigofera sp) to increase the quality of garut ram sperm. This research used 8 garut male with age around 11 months and had been raised for 3 months. They were divided into two groups, the first group was fed with 30% waste bean sprout and the second group was fed with 30% Indigofera sp. Parameter of semen quality was analyzed as follow: for the volume, color and consistency were expressed by descriptively, while testis weight, sperm concentration and cytoplasmic droplet were tested by T-test and followed by regression test for correlation between testis weight and sperm concentration. Sperm motility, sperm viability, integrity of sperm plasma membrane and secondary abnormality were analyzed using Completely Randomized Design, Faktorial (2x4) with four replication. The first factor was type ration (waste bean sprout and Indigofera sp) and the second factor was storage time (day 0, 1st, 2nd, 3th). Data was analyzed by analysis of variance and continued with Duncan test to observed the different between treatments. Results of the experiment showed that volume, color and consistency of semen were same in all treatments, while testis weight, sperm concentration and cytoplasmic droplet were not significant different in type ration treatments by T-test (P>0.05). There were no correlation between testis weight and sperm concentration (P>0.05) and expressed as Y = 5654.26 - 3.96X ; R2 = 0.003. Furthermore sperm viability were significant different in all treatments by analyzed of variance (P<0.05). The integrity of sperm plasma membrane and sperm motility were significant different in storage time treatment (P<0.05), but were not significant different in type ration by analyzed of variance (P>0.05). It can be summarized that both of 30% waste bean sprout and 30% Indigofera sp feed treatments were not significantly influence on all of parameter sperm quality.
Appears in Collections:UT - Veterinary Clinic Reproduction and Pathology

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