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dc.contributor.advisorGunawan, Endang
dc.contributor.authorJati, Gusti Eman Sasmita
dc.description.abstractBanana is the important and the highest production of Indonesian fruits. The propagation of banana using corm pieces known as the cheap and effective method, that also gives diseases resistance to shoots. Furthermore, this research aimed to determine the effect of growing media types and doses of BA to increase the healthy shoots and to make the propagation of Raja bulu banana from corm pieces faster. Research used Randomize Complete Block Design (RKLT) with two factors. The first factor were cytokines (BA) with four dosages (A1:10 ppm, A2:10 ppm, A3:20 ppm, and A4:30 ppm). The second factor was growing media composition consisting of B1: soil, B2: husk charcoal, B3: husk charcoal + soil, B4: and husk charcoal + cow manure. The results showed that no interaction between media and cytocines, except from dead corm percentage at 9 weeks after planting. The media's treatment only affected the variable number of buds on the hump, number of roots, number of root corms, number of roots of the root corms, and the dead corm percentage. The most number of buds on the hump was obtained from the husk charcoal + cow manure media at 2 weeks after planting. The highest of roots on 9 weeks after planting, the highest of root corms on 7 weeks after planting, and the highest of roots of the root corms on 9 weeks after planting were obtained from the husk charcoal media. The highest dead corm percentage was obtained from the soil media at 9 weeks after planting. Cytokines BA did have no significant influence to plantain bud multiplication of Raja bulu banana from corm pieces.The pests and diseases in the soil were reduced by using of husk charcoal + cow manure media. Hence, it was suggested to use husk charcoal + cow manure media without application of cytokines to produce Raja bulu banana’s shoots.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.titlePengaruh Media Tanam dan Zat Pengatur Tumbuh Sitokinin (BA) terhadap Perbanyakan Tunas Pisang Raja Bulu (Musa Paradisiaca L.) dari Cacahan Bonggol.en
Appears in Collections:UT - Agronomy and Horticulture

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BAB I Pendahuluan.pdf
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