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Title: Efektivitas Pupuk Organik Granul terhadap Pertumbuhan, Produksi dan Kadar Hara NPK Daun Jagung Manis pada Latosol Dramaga
Authors: Djuniwati,Sri
Tanod, Puyun Fierce Maas
Keywords: Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
sweet corn
nutrient content
granulated organic fertilizer
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: Latosol fertility is generally low due to low nutrient availability and organic matter content, so addition of anorganic fertilizer only will not provide optimal production of plants. Therefore, additional of organic fertilizer must be done. The objective of this research is to study the effectiveness of granulated organic fertilizer which was combined with standard fertilizer on the growth, production, and NPK contents of sweat corn leaves in Latosol Dramaga. The field experiment was conducted in the University Farm IPB, from Februari to August 2012. The nutrient content was analyzed in the Laboratory of Soil chemistry and Fertility, Faculty of Agriculture, IPB. The design of research was completely randomized block design with single factor, that was combination of anorganic fertilizer (standard) with organic fertilizer, which consisted of 7 treatments: control, standard, 50% standard + 100% organic (0,5S+1PO), 50% standard + 150% organic (0,5S+1,5PO), 75% standard + 100% organic (0,75S+1PO), 75% standard + 150% organic (0,75S+1,5PO), and 100% standard + 100% organic (1S+1PO). The result of the research showed that the granulated organic fertilizer increased of growth, production of corn, and nutrient content of corn leaves effectively. The two treatment combinations (1S+1PO) and (0,75S+1PO) showed the best performance, which was indicated by the weight of corn with huskcover and value of RAE i.e. 15,58 t/ha and 162,07% (1S+1PO), and 13,97 t/ha and 128% (0,75S+1PO), respectively. The effect of both treatment combinations above were higher than standard treatment (12,58 t/ha and 100%).
Appears in Collections:UT - Soil Science and Land Resources

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