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Title: Ethnobiology of thesamin
Authors: Jumari
Keywords: ethnobotany
Local knowledge the Samin
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: This ethnobiological research focus on the ethnoecological, ethnobotanical and ethnozoological study of the adaptation process (correlating to management concept, impact on people’s activities, and technology usage) of Samin Community. The goals of this research were to study the beliefs, knowledge, and practice the Samin community for the comprehensive understanding of landscape use and management, ant to reveal the local knowledge of Samin community in managing their natural resource (plants and animals) whice include species diversity, the index of ecological importance value (INP), and the index of cultural significance (ICS). The study was conducted during the period of August 2009 to December 2011. The research was carried out in 7 villages in 4 districts, namely: (1) Larikrejo and (2) Kaliyoso (Kudus District); (3) Bombong and (4) Ngawen (Pati District); (5) Klopoduwur and (6) Tambak, Sumber (Blora District); (7) Jepang, Margomulyo (Bojonegoro, East Java). The research data consisted of ecological, ethnobotanical, ethnozoological and ethological data. Data collection using direct observation; open ended and structured interview, and participant observation. The results showed that the Samin society has a fairly good knowledge of biological resources and their environment. Use practices and management of natural resources is reflected in the form units of the environmentals and biological resources contained therein. Knowledge of the spatial environment simply divided into two main units, namely: mondokan (house and yard), and lemah garapan includes: fields (sawah), moor (tegalan) and teak (alas jati). Paddy field, dry field, yard, garden, teak forests, marsh ponds, and rivers were the places where the cultivation of a wide variety of production activities of plants and animals which were conducted to meet their basic needs. The research obtained more than 300 of plant species in the Samin settlement, which 235 species among those were useful for their life. Utilization of those plants include for food (118 species), traditional medicine and cosmetics (74 species), building materials (17 species) equipment (15 species), firewood (16 species), animal feed (27 species), fiber materials and the straps (3 species), ritual materials (26 species), toxic materials (2 species), pest control materials (16 species), environmental indicators (5 species), and ornamental plants and fences (45 species). Based on the role and utilization of animals, it can be grouped into: animal protein source (21 species), pets (7 species), pests of cultivated plants (17 species), pests of livestock (3 species), pest predators (11 species), animals for medicine (10 species), animals for ritual (1 species), and wildlife (35 species). The Samin community the resources and the environment only as necessery. They always maintained a harmonious relationship with nature.
Appears in Collections:DT - Mathematics and Natural Science

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