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Title: Pengembangan ekowisata di Pulau Lingayan sebagai pulau terluar (kasus pulau lingayan, pulau terluar di Kabupaten Tolitoli Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah)
Development of ecotourism in Island Lingayan of Outer Islands
Authors: Boer, Mennofatria
Muchsin, Ismudi
Wardiatno, Yusli
Peuru, Gladys
Keywords: Lingayan Island
coastal ecotourism
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: Lingayan island is located in the outer islands of Tolitoli in Central Sulawesi Province (PP RI No. 78 of 2005) which has the basic points of geographic coordinates that connects the islands of the sea baselines in accordance with international and national law, thus determining the boundary line of the islands of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). Therefore, to maintain the boundaries of the islands Homeland sustainable management needs to be done on the island of Lingayan. This study aims: (1) Assess the potential and conditions of the island Lingayan resources. (2) Review the management plan Lingayan by the beauty of the island, land suitability, carrying capacity for tourism development on the island of Lingayan. (3) formulate a form of resource management strategies on the island of Lingayan to increased prosperity and sustainable communities. The results of the research indicate that (1) Island Lingayan has the potential of natural resources both in terms of coral reefs in the category with an average of 34.72% the percentage of coral cover, which at station 6 has the highest percentage of coral cover was 75.1% with 9 types of lifeform that is ACB, ACE, ACT, CB, CF, CM, CMR, CS and CHL, reef fish that reach 64 species, there are also birds that are maleo rare bird and turtle shell that can all be used as an icon for ecotourism development on the island of Lingayan. (2) Scenic Beauty Estimation results of the analysis indicate that the respondents' interest in coral seascape by 52%, for the types of fish by 58% while for the coastal landscape, the respondent's interest as much as 75%. (3) The strategy for development of ecotourism on the island does management tailored to the designation of the development of 56.02 ha diving, snorkeling and beach resort of 121.67 ha ha 13:18 and to ensure the sustainability of tourism development is the number of visitors should be limited to the arrival of as many as 86 people per day.
Appears in Collections:DT - Fisheries

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