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Title: Pengaruh Intensitas Naungan terhadap Pertumbuhan Bibit Sagu (Metroxylon spp.) di Persemaian dengan Sistem Persemaian Rakit
Authors: Zaman, Sofyan
Djoefrie, M. H. Bintoro
Yulianingrum, Hesti
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: IPB ( Bogor Agricultural University )
Abstract: Sago seedling growth is influenced by environmental factors. Environmental factors that influence include sunlight, humidity, air temperature, and wind speed. Sunlight is a major effect on the growth of each organ. Sunlight affecting the continuity of the process of photosynthesis. The process of photosynthesis increases during the day and then fell in the afternoon. The increase in light intensity will increase leaf temperature, evaporation to take place more quickly. Excessive evaporation can be harmful to plants. Providing shade is one way to reduce the light intensity. Experiments on the provision of shade in the nursery rafts aiming to determine the effect of the intensity of shading on the growth of sago seeds that can be a solution if necessary or provide shade in nursery activities. Experiments used Complete Randomized Block Design (RKLT). The treatment is divided into 4 standard, namely P1 = 0% shade, P2 = 25% shade, shade P3 = P4 = 50% and 75% shade. The treatment was repeated 6 times.
Appears in Collections:UT - Agronomy and Horticulture

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