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dc.contributor.advisorFebrianto, Fauzi
dc.contributor.authorYuriat, Jala
dc.description.abstractINTRODUCTION. Overexploitation for decades affecting reduction of round wood production from Indonesian natural forest, in the other hand round wood demands are increasing. This quality decline supporting composite products as an alternative. One of popular composite products is oriented strand board or commonly known as OSB. OSB is a panel from wood strand and compound with exterior adhesive and then hot pressed. There were many observation regarding for OSB made from community forest’s wood. The objectives of this research are to explain adhesive difference, acacia and african wood combination strand and difference of pressing on OSB manufacturing to its physical and mechanical properties and to determine the best treatment for OSB. Physical and mechanical properties test is refer to JIS A 5908 (2003) standard of particle board standard and CSA 0437.0 (Grade O-2) standard of OSB. MATERIAL AND METHOD. Variable used were wood species, adhesive content, and pressing. Mangium, African and mix of them used as OSB raw materials. Adhesive content used were 6%, 8% with 1% parafin added. Physical and mechanical properties observed were density, moisture content, water absorption, thickness swelling, modullus of elasticity (MOE), modullus of rupture (MOR), internal bonding and screw holding power. RESULTS. The average value resulted from physical properties test are : OSB’s average density about 0,50-0,62 g/cm3, the average moisture content is about 7,61-11,23%, water absorption average of OSB 2 hours is about 24,12-73,12%, water absorption average of OSB 24 hours is about 56,57-115,97%, the average value of thickness swelling OSB 2 hours is about 9,39-32,35%, the average value of thickness swelling OSB 24 hours is about 17,44-36,04%. The average value resulted from mechanical properties test are : the average dry MOE parallel to grain is about 21.518-39.019 kg/cm2, the average dry MOE perpendicular to grain is about 6.134-12.363 kg/cm2, the average wet MOE parallel to grain is about 3.435-22.278 kg/cm2, the average wet MOE perpendicullar to grain is about 2.078-8.316 kg/cm2, the average dry MOR parallel to grain is about 158,71-346,67 kg/cm2, the average dry MOR perpendicullar to grain is about 82,66-160,40 kg/cm2, the average wet MOR parallel to grain is about 52,12-223,22 kg/cm2, the average wet MOR perpendicullar to grain is about 34,66-135,61 kg/cm2, the average OSB internal bonding is about 1,24-7,72 kg/cm2, the average screw holding power is about 33,85-73,13 kg. OSB from Mangium wood with 8% of adhesive content and 25 kg/cm² is the finest OSB. Wheter, OSB from African wood with 6% of adhesive content, and pressing of 15 kg/cm² is the worst OSB. Wood species which gives the best effect is Mangium, followed by african wood and combination of them as the worst. The best adhesive content is 8% while the best pressing is 25 kg/cm².en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectStrand Combinationen
dc.subjectAdhesive Contenten
dc.subjectPressing Preasureen
dc.titlePengaruh Kombinasi Strand, Kadar Perekat dan Beda Tekanan terhadap Sifat Fisis Mekanis Oriented Strand Board Kayu Mangium dan Afrika.en
Appears in Collections:UT - Forestry Products

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